HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay okay I know ...hillarious! :-D
Well basically I am just glad the week is over. Although I will say this morning when I was leaving for work I had to check my calendar as it was 60 degrees! It's almost February and I would have thought it would be a little, okay A LOT, colder but I enjoyed not having to wear a coat today. There was some thunder earlier that morning which added to the Spring illusion the day was playing.
I like cold winters, winters shoud be cold! I remember when I went to see the groundhog in Punxytawny PA years back, it was really cold and he predicted an early Spring. Well my friend and I reached our hotel room and crashed since we had gone out the night before to The Groundhog Ball (I kid you not!!) then we were up at 4:30AM (after maybe 2 hours sleep) to get ready for the bus that would take us to Gobbler's Knob for the 7AM weather prediction. Well needless to say we slept for many hours and when we woke up it was snowing like crazy, early Spring my ass!! HAHAHA it was a fun time though. Here's a few pics and in one of them, as you will see, I have no clue what was up with my hat!! LOL
Now as for my first week on Phase 1, I weighed in again this morning and have lost just under 7 pounds in a week. I know this will slow down in a few weeks but I needed the jump start. My friend told me his wife lost 14 pounds in 2 weeks, thats just wonderful, so happy for her and she is just a gorgeous woman!! Aren't we all though ;-) lol AHH I do okay, I don't break mirrors LOL I had a co-worker take a pic of me today so I will show it here. Those of you who know me I hope can see the difference, to those who don't here is the proof, that I am indeed a round chick but I am fine with that. People always told me to get in shape....I would say I am....round is a shape!! :-D So here you have it, me after about 5 1/2 months of eating better........TADA>>>>>
Sorry its paled out but we discovered that the white case I have on my phone gives the pics this odd haze when the flash is used. I will take more when I have nicer clothes on. Today is casual Friday at work so I'm in jeans and my shelltops! LOL
Well Ladies & Gents I am going to say goodnight. I have a few things to do here and as it always seems as of late I may add to this later if not over the weekend at some point I'm sure. So enjoy your weekend and Ciao For Now.
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