Monday, January 23, 2012

New Week/Fresh Start

     Well the day started cold with freezing rain outside,  but my bed was so comfy warm as I kept hitting snooze. I tried not to disturb my kitty who was sleeping right next to me with her head on my leg, enjoying the folds of the blanket as much as I was. She lifted her head once to make sure it was still sleep time. Hubs left for work and we chatted before he braved the weather, as 99% of the time I am awake when he leaves. I hate when he goes to work in bad weather, today not only had icy roads but fog on top of it. But all is well as I spoke with him later.  I weighed myself as soon as I was done in the bathroom and still the same. I swear the scale has frozen!! Its not moving and tomorrow I go to the gym so hopefuly the movement will push start me again. Its so weird too;  I am drinking so much water but not, well, shall we say expelling it, so I feel really weighed down. This causes my face to puff up hahaha  I swear I'm not kidding. I must have been a puffer fish in a past life. (bet you are puffng your cheeks right now :-D) Got dressed and headed to another week at work.
     If you have been following me you know work has been, in a word, hell! Today was not too bad but still very hectic. I feel so bad for our reps and I got snappy a few times which I later apologized for to the the ones I did act that way. I didnt apologize for the repromand, just for the way it was delivered. We all need a good long HAPPY HOUR! Its now almost a joke in of itself, nothing you can do but just trudge on. I rarely take lunch or breaks so this is my down time for 20 minutes. I needed to see another screen on my computer.  LOL
     Well I suppose the big news is that the New York Giants will be playing in the Super Bowl. They will play the New England Patriots. Last time they did this (2007) they won and most people I spoke to today think it will happen again! I hope so, would be nice :-D
      I want to take a moment to say thank you to all of you who have been reading my blogs through my weird week or so. I think the cloud is passing and I can say I feel better today than I have in a long time. I re read my last few blogs and that last one sounded just wrong , I mean friends on stand-by!? THAT JUST SOUNDS TERRIBLE and not how I meant it at all.
     There are so many other more important things to put my energy too.  Me being one of those.  Hubs has started South Beach Diet and so far he is doing well. I know he wants to drop about 50 pounds. I can say its a lot easier to do this with him doing it as well. How sad that I can't wait to get home to have my sugar free jello desert with him LOL I like sharing things with him and last night we geeked out with Dr.Who shorts and bloopers on you tube (as I mentioned already) .  Another inportant thing was shown to me today in the form of a charity walk. A friend is doing a walk for cancer and I am proud that her and her girls are doing this. Its a disease that hits so many people, myself included.  I believe its a many mile walk as well so even more power to them. I don't think I could do a walk around the mall mush less miles and miles right now.  I wish I could donate more but i have a cancer charity here in the states I give to every year plus one for animals and speaking of them.... Another friend on facebook (same family actually  LOL) posted a photo of this poor poor dog. Beautiful German Shepard who had a high power firecracker put in his mouth and tied so it would go off in it. The photo was the kind where you had to look at the detruction of this pitiful creature's mouth or I should say where the mouth should have been. How the dog was still alive I have no idea! His entire muzzle was gone. I felt my tears starting and all I could thnk of was I hope the boys who did this were castrated slowly!! I cant understand why anyone would purposly hurt another living creature for just the fun. I am not talking about people who go hunting and then eat the meat, I fully understand that. But if I feel like just shooting a gun for sport I will go to a range and not shoot innocent animals. (LOOK OUT SHE'S SHOT A GUN  LOL) I had a friend who would hunt every year. I was called a hypocrite because I was always impressed by the deer he brought back. Okay first he was a police officer and a great shot. He would go to the butcher and have the animal done proper and he ate the venison. He also tanned the hides and had them in his summer lodge. He spoke about the animal with respect, I can't explain it really what I mean, but he was thankful for the animal. He didnt kill it to see it suffer! OOH can you tell I love animals   LOL   That was a hell of a soapbox serman. :-D  (All I kept seeing was the scene in My Cousin Vinny when he's going deerhunting. hehehehe       
     Here's a funny story --- I had never had venison until about 14 years ago when a man who hubs works with gave us some venison burgers (or as hubs called them bambi burgers just to bug me) and they were quite good.  So I eat my first venison ever in my life and the next night I'm driving and out of nowhere this youngling comes out of the woods and is pacing my car. Running right along side it. Im like OMG then next thing you know he turns and smashes into my car. It happened so fast but I freaked!! I was yelling like a jerk and hubs was trying to calm me down and we pulled off to the roadside. I couldn't open my door I was terrified the little deer was stuck in and under my car.  The man behind me in the road had followed us onto the side and asked my hubby if I was okay. Turned out the deer had run off back into the woods after hitting me. YES HE HIT ME!!  That moment I swore I would never knowingly eat venison again. It's like I was punished for eating it the night before HAHAHA  I know its not true but I'm not taking any chances!! (yea Im a dork I've told you so!! LOL)
    Ah people I think herself is coming back.  :-D   So now that I've preached, ponderd and perplexed you all I will say as always, Ciao for now! :-D

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