Tuesday, January 3, 2012

LOL Can You Believe It

     I missed my doctor's appointment, slept right through it!! I rescheduled but I just couldn't get up this AM. LMAO  I took some medicine at 5AM and I guess it knocked my ass out!! I felt like poo this morning and called thinking I would be late for work but I wasn't got in with plenty of time to spare but hit the ground running. There were over 40 calls in que. We had been hopping since we opened at 8.  We started a new system unifying our two major systems into one streamlined system. So of course this baffeled everyone. Not to mention they need to add a server to cover all the excess use but have not completed it yet so the new system was V-E-R-Y slow today. All in all the reps rocked and many worked through lunch as we provided pizza if they did.  I can say I am very glad I made it in today and am kind of glad to be back. I mean it's work but I like where I work and who I work with.
     Well the next thing for me is getting my bridge done on my teeth. Got the wheels in motion as I just received my new dental cards. So hopefully in a year, early 2013 I'm hoping I will great my pals in England with a full set of pearly whites as both bridges will be complete.  I had really beautiful teeth and I say that not out of vanity but it was true then I had a blood clot in my lung and they had me on blood thinners for a year +. The result was that my gums got weak and my teeth cracked. So I lost several of them. Turns out I should have been on the blood thinners for only about 6 months. Was not a Happy Bunny when I heard that. I guess I should be grateful though as the doctors in the hospital said if I had waited any longer I could have died.  I was in the hospital for 12 days and the first week was painful as they had to monitor my oxygen in my blood and taking arterial blood hurts like hell! So I'll take a few missing teeth over death any day and well I live in Virginia now so I just say I wanted to fit in down south (complete with missing teeth) YEEHAWW!!!!  lmao
     OMG I love my Da and for Christmas I got him a new coffee maker, wait did I tell you all this already??  He is such a creature of habit and this new one is a 12 cup and looks a bit different but of course it works the same. We did it when I was there but a few days later he calls me and says he made coffee and the water went all over and nothing came out. SIGH.... I asked what he did & it seemed correct, so I told him to have our neighbor watch him next time.  So New Year's Day I get a call from my Dad and he's all excited that he made the coffee and then Monday another report of a completed process so I am happy to report we have mastered coffee making 101. Hehe  He is a cute old guy I must admit :-D
     I am still thinking of a resolution to make but I think I am forgoing them and just do what I need to do and all will be good. It's going to be a great year, lots of good things happening. Trying to plan a girls get a way for a long weekend. Maybe local,  maybe not, we are not sure yet. I'm sure either way the blog after that weekend will be a GOOD one ;-)   So here is where I end tonight. Take care peeps and as always, ciao for now!  Oh hey check this   I found a pic of me and my dear Melissa from about 20 years ago (gulp)   and here are us now , we have been through lots, random I know but well hell I am very random. HAHAHA (OOH I look a fright, but in defense I was quite drunk, St Patricks Day - see the hats?! LOL)

LOVE THIS LADY   - friends for over 25 years  -  she has the patience of a saint!   I find it funny, we switched hair colors - LMAO
Okay now, it's ciao for now.

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