Tuesday, January 17, 2012


     I am sure you can imagine why I am so happy, or maybe not? LOL  I am happy because I finally got my dates for my new ink. The first sitting will be on March 31st, then the next is April 28th. Both are Saturdays and both at 5:30. My artist is so booked up that those are the first days available. I don't mind as long as I know when. First sitting will be the outlines and since the fairy is actually going to be two, the image will be reversed and then the cherry blossoms will continue through the butterflies somehow  (LOL) and join the image together.  The second sitting is to do the color. Normally it would just be one long session of about 5 hours but they close at 8, so it will be 2 sessions. I can't wait. I emailed the image to her again today and she will draw the image on what I send with her additions to the joining.  So excited. I told her absolutely no changes to the original piece as I want it exactly as it was drawn for me.   I am jumping up & down (on the inside hehe)
     I just ate a lean cuisine frozen dinner as i didn't have time to prepare dinner tonight and although not bad tasting I looked at the stats and the sodium is just CRAZY!!! I can say there will not be too many of those in my future, I don't use a lot of salt and, well, I'm very sensitive to it. My ankles do not need help puffing up after a long day thank you very much!! :-D
     I think aside from getting my hair done this weekend I may be having a girls weekend. My 2 friends need one and we may just chill at one lady's house and consume mass quantities of wine. I mentioned it to my hubby last night and he said, and I quote " Oh a wine and vibrator night!" Excuse me??!! What the hell do you think we are going to do there?!  Wine yes , vibrator...ummm, well not in a group as we do have our own rooms..hehehe. Funny story -  we did that during a tattoo convention a couple of years ago. It was 4 of us in the room and we said lets all bring toys. So we laid them on the bed and took a pic, there were maybe 16 different types, was a very funny picture. I can tell you everyone of those beasts stayed in the perspective cases as we were at the bar every night. If any were used I was sleeping way to deep to hear it (or snoring as I can sometimes do - bit embarrassed by that LOL)
     Silly things to share that mean nothing to anyone but me but if you have a pet you may be amused. My husband decided to give the cat a fix of catnip last night unaware to me. So I'm sitting there, only home from work about 10 minutes and the cat tries to jump on me. She is covered and I mean covered in catnip. Hubs said she was having a blast rolling around in it and her eyes were huge!! My kitty, I hope I don't need to have a talk with her about the evils of catnip!! ;-)
     Peeps there is not much for today, it was work, work and more work as it was much busier today than it was yesterday but of course I expected that. So I will say good night and ciao for now.  I'M BACK.....LOL

     Well I just want to say this night has turned into a  TINGLY WINGLY, WIBBLY WOOBLY kind of night. I felt like writing something and this is what my silly brain came up with please be kind as I wrote this as a lark in about 14 minutes, be kind :-D

     His hands hovered over the keyboard, what would be his first note? This was a very important note as it would set the tone of the work he was about to compose. What indeed would be my first note he asked back to himself? 
     Will I choose a comedy, a little willy nilly sounding, or a romance mystery with dark sounds?  In his mind he could see a scene forming, that he would add music, and his composition would be born. Not so far removed as a birth of flesh and blood, 'Cept this one would not have the unsure steps of a human child, his child would come out perfect from the start. 
     With this thought in his mind, his hand started to lower as he watched his finger touched the key. From deep inside himself flowed the rest, note after note, his fingers hitting the keys producing his visions, his dreams, thoughts and emotions; flowing and mixing, to produce the person he always wanted to be!
     He had to force that first note, so many things would have been different if he had chosen a different note, or chosen none at all. After his choice was made, he was pleased. As the note he selected was just the right one, he was certain of this;  because it came from his heart.
Well good night (or day)  :-D

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