What's awesome is that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! I am going to see after my hair appointment if hubs wants to get away and go to this uber funky new Hotel line by Sheraton. Its called Aloft. This is the one I want to go to. http://www.starwoodhotels.com/alofthotels/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=3025
I have a groupon for only $60.00 for the night. Just to have a change of scenery. Sometimes thats all you need.
I swear last night he had me laughing so hard I almost wet myself. There was a commercial from when we were kids and it was a guy dressed up like a fig and dancing. It was an ad for Fig Newton cookies. He starts doing this dance & singing the song in the bedroom last night and I just starred. Then he does this shake yer booty dance and mind you all he is wearing is underwear. I'm like shake it baby!! It was so random and that was why it was hillarious! It's times like these you think to yourself "Yes THIS is one reason I married this person" I love glimpses like that. I mean we have been together almost 18 years and over time you get a bit complacent. Then BOOM your spouse does something that just makes you fall in love all over again!! :-D We have recently been trying to re-vamp ourselves and really concentrating on what's important. That being us, our home and life.
Due to a few physical restrictions such as arthritis, hubby is not as agile as he once was, and that on top of a bad back makes for many nights home. I like to go out, always have. So we have started doing small overnight jaunts, like the one I'm shooting for if not this weekend maybe next. He also has no issue with me seeing friends, even for overnights and of course when I go to NY. I in turn will do the things that on weekends we used to do together, this way he can relax and I go shopping for groceries myself. He doesnt have to walk around a huge store, things of that nature. Of course we still go places together, especially a bookstore, we both can get lost in those. Hard to put into words it appears LOL Oh he mentioned going to play frisbee golf soon as the weather gets a bit warmer and I love that game. You get to be outside, lots of walking and it's fun. I want us to get out more often and excercise.
Speaking of that, I am headed to the gym in the AM then back home and then work! I am doing really well back on Phase 1 and actually I find it easier to keep within the guidelines. I think phase 2 offers me too much selection that I can justify to suit my needs LOL I need discipline, so I think for awhile I will stay on Phase 1. For special occasions I will have a few drinks and eat what I want but I know me I still will be sensible, meaning no heavy carb laden foods. I have a renewed sense of purpose in the past few days, I have reason to really get my ass in gear. I still have that flight across the Atlantic in a year. I have a beautiful photo of London on my wallpaper now and it just reminds me of the trip and my reason to be fit. I was told by my friend who lives there and by my friends who have visited, it's a lot of walking and I want to see everything I can!!
I was invited to a Super Bowl party by my friend here at work and I am going. I know almost everyone and it should be really fun. I am bringing food as I am sure most things there I will not be able to eat. I am making a huge crockpot of chili! Lean meat and beans and spices...YUMMY. Will bring 2% cheese for me and regular for everyone else. Plus the baby will be there and I get to play with her. She's a cutie pie. Hubs is of course invited too but doubt he will go, he doesn't like football. I myself am not overly fond of it but I do like the NY GIANTS plus the commercials are always the best part! I find myslef watching European football often. I really am beginning to like that game, just wish I understood it better. Even hubs will watch that! His opinion is that it's much better than our football which to him seems like and I quote "Neanderthals running after each other just to beat on the guy with the ball" LOL He says "proper" football involves more skills and I am in accord with that!! :-D No offense to anyone who loves American football please.
So that is my daily wind down, nothing crazy & nothing odd, just me. Although by defination I AM both of those hahahahaaha So I bid you all farewell and as always CIAO FOR NOW!!
So with the 2% percent cheese - what makes up the other 98% ?? Seems like a rip off as you should only pay 2% of the price if it's only 2% cheese !!!