We are in full swing here at the helpdsk today, annual enrollment is in it's second week and we have been steady with about 3800 calls as of last Friday. I can't wait for Monday :-D
Had a chill Sunday I went out early to meet a friend for coffee and she & I caught up. She used to work with me, as amatter of fact we started the same day. Then I brought breakfast home for Pat. We did some yard work later then had a nice dinner. Sunday night was odd I wasnt feeling well for some reason as stated in my "4AM" blog. Still feeling a bit yucky but popping lots of vitamin "C" and drinking lots of water so hopefully I will fend off whatever is looming.
I am back on Phase 1 on Southbeach as of today. I need to jump start again. I seemed to have hit a wall. It's the breads..any bread for me is evil and god Ilove it so!! I love to bake my own also but not going to happen for awhile :-(
I need clothes but I'm going to wait a bit more. I'm not happy that I haven't lost more. I so need to stop looking at others and be happy with me again. Thing is I am happy with me and I have embraced myself. I am sexy, I am fun to be with what I need to do is stop comparing myself. I am losing weight the way my body is going to lose it and even with targeted area excersise I am not always happy where it gets lost (ie BOOBIES!! LOL) but i have noticed they are looking larger since the fat beneath them is going away. HAHAHA I love our bodies they are so amusing. Also annoying but they are beautiful in all forms. As Shakespeare said "What a piece of work is man." :-D I have added my most recent pic that I took this morning on my way to work. Those of you on my FB page will recognize my profile pic. Yes I'm smirking! LOL
Well peeps, it's getting busy so I have to go but I'll be back, maybe tonight but def. tomorrow. Ciao for now.
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