Well weekend is fading to a new work week and we even got an extra hour this morning. Yesterday I took the gell overlay off my nails and my god they are sharp now LOL They have a new polish that has gell in it so no more drill on my poor nails. YAY I know not ground breaking news but good for my fingers.
I must be honest, as of late I feel weird. Can't explain it, just a bit off. Like a 3 second delay. Nothing wrong just well hard to say. I get dreamy sometimes and that's how I've been this weekend. I have been wishing to have a family get together again. Lots of people and laughs, just miss it. I want to throw a dinner party but right now my home is not suitable so dream on McDuff! I am getting a little excited about the holidays coming up and saw some gifts I want to buy. Next weekend I will . I love buying gifts. There is nothing better than getting something for someone then seeing them as they open it. Nothing better!!
Okay weekend movie revue - Oldy but goodie was Hellboy II - love it and the first one, whats not to love?? Next was the remake of Arthur with Russell Brand. (Pat hadn't seen it) Was okay but I like the original much better. Dudley Moore was just adorable. Lastly was The Rite with Anthony Hopkins - not bad, not scary enough but then again it centered more on the priests and was based on a true story. There ya have it, the older is the better! Any good suggestions?? I'm listening.
Well there will be more to come but I must get dinner started. Until next time my peeps, ciao!
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