It's 10PM, husband is already snoring...I'm sitting up next to him browsing tattoos with my ear buds in just winding down. I mean I only got home an hour & a half ago. Called my Dad earlier to tell him I'm coming up this weekend, he was very happy to hear, at least he said so LOL
Like I said I was looking at ink because the need is strong in this one, I want more ink. My artist Stacey is going to do cherry blossoms up the side of my leg. OMG okay breaking news....10 minutes has passed, not that you can't tell but yea. A cricket leaped onto my night table and sat on my phone RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!!!!!!! shudder shudder..Needless to say, husband no longer asleep! ICK, I shood him away but now he's lurking somewhere....and he left little cricket marks on the glass on my phone!!!!!!!!!!! gross......
Really not a whole lot going on, just tattoo dreaming and happy for a couple of my friends who just had cool things happen. I LOVE hearing good news from friends. My SIL, I still remember this, when having told me she was preggers with her 2nd child said that she knew I would get all excited. LOL She had told her sister she said but knew I'd go all googoo. I did, come on really how could you not? It was GREAT news and yes I do get a little overboard with reactions but they are real!! I get excited for my friends & loved ones. LOL
By the way Mr. Cricket? yea well I KNEW it. Sucker was on the side of my bed ( I happened to look over) well remember my cool cane? No more Mr. Cricket!! Sorry but bugs ick me out all but ladybugs, butterflies, lightning bugs, the rest I can admire from afar. I won't even watch Mothra, watching those two little singing Japanese ladies on its back...shudder!!!!!!
Seems like a good place to end huh? Bwahahahaha Okay then, until next time peeps - ciao!
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