I do apologize if anyone was offended. It was not my intent but I can occasionally write quite RAW stories. lol
Well here it is 6AM and I am wide awake, been up about an hour so far due to Pat leaving at half past 4 this morning. UGH!!! We barely see each other during the week now, by the time I get home at night he's getting ready to go to bed. I usually stay upstairs and just prop myself up in bed with my pillows and get on my laptop with headphones in as not to wake him. This way we are at least in the same room. Usually when I settle in to sleep I will feel his hand rub my butt and hear a sleepy "good night Puddin'" from him. hehehe He sleeps so little I try not to wake him up but it's like he senses my laying down. I suppose after being together so long it will happen that way.
Well today ends the last full week of annual enrollment and it's been hopping. Home stretch now and then it's on to planning our office pot luck. Should be good and I'm dropping hints to one lady to bring in her collard greens. I never had them until I moved to Virginia but they are good. Kind of like spinach which I now enjoy but hated when I was younger. I like most veg, but not fond of parsnips but a friend recently told me about a way to prepare them roasted with honey that sounds interesting. I may have to give them another try. I am working on a cookbook with all my Nona's and Mom's recipes. I am even going to make a copy as a Chrimbo gift :-)
I am feeling good today, and unlike yesterday hope i don't have a case of bedhead all day LOL. Other than that the weekend looks to be filled with painting and raking leaves (AGAIN!!) So until later today I say ciao for now.
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