Almost an hour into the 4th and I have already heard firecrackers going off. Lol Seems Mother Nature will smile on us with some sun, instead of rain as originally thought for the festivities that will dot the land all over the US today. My in-laws just got back from vaca so I'm going to call and see what they are up to. We have no definite plans sans one. Get rid of the skunk smell under and around our deck. Hubs had seen a pale skunk one early morning a few months back and we thought it was gone, as I never even saw it and he hadn't seen it again. Well this afternoon I came home and opened my car door, and OMG!!! I was greeted with this sour odor of SKUNK! Cough cough yak yak. Horrid smell, so I tell hubs and he went tonight to get a sprayer to use to spray the area with de-skulking stuff. I hope it works. So there is today's later highlight. Lol
It's about 1am and I was so naughty - I drank too much vodka. It was whipped cream vodka mixed with diet root beer. Tasted like a root beer float. Root Beer is my favorite soda drink, close followed by Birch Beer. Similar taste actually. But I only drink diet at the moment. Truthfully I rarely drink soda at all anymore. Tea, coffee, water or iced tea are my choices as I'm going to the gym a lot. I mentioned to a friend that I had stopped for coffee on the way and he told me water or green tea would be better. Water of course we know but I wasn't aware of the green tea. I found an interesting one at Starbucks, it's. green tea with ginger. It's good, and can drink it without any sweetening at all. I want to branch out but not sure which to get. I know they make it with all sorts of flavors, like lemon, pomegranate, etc., but what brand is a good one? I guess I may buy a few and experiment. Getting back to what I was saying, 😀 I'm quite drunk right now. I have had way too many calories today and was over my limit with the booze. My gym is closed today for the holiday but Friday I'm going to really give it my all. Even hubs said my extra chin is going away. He doesn't notice stuff like that usually so it was nice to hear. He's scratching right now, I can hear him in the dark. It's frustrating, and I know he's beyond frustrated too. See though, if it were me, I'd be at every doctor I could find, he's tired of them, he said 8 was enough. I'm like what if that 9th one is THE one. But you can't force someone.
I feel good though, about me. I got a haircut and check this out. My hairdresser bought me an owl cuff bracelet. I had put it on Facebook because it was just so cool looking and she bought it. Just because. WOW, I was gobsmacked. I want to get her a little something as her birthday is coming up.
I bought red lipstick!!! How do you like them apples! I never wear red lipstick, but I'm going to try it. Going to have a play day soon and get myself all purdy. Hehe.
I just came by to say hi, I'm happy, my friends are wonderful, my hubs is a love, albeit a scratchy one, and I like being naughty. Lol oops wait she can't end there! Okay fine....I have a sundress I bought the other week. I was having a big fuck it I'm fat day, and didn't care that my upper arms were bare. So I wore this the other night to get a cold drink at Starbucks. Had the top down and it was about 8 at night, sun was out still but I tell you. I loved the feel of the air on my skin. The skirt part was on my knees so my legs were bare and I was wearing flip flops. I loved it. I've been naked outside and I love that too. If it wasn't for the fact that I sunburn so quick and mosquitoes love me, I'd be naked in my yard as much as I could be. We have fence, don't fret now. Lol I love being naked, always have and this was as close to it as I been outside in awhile. Going to do it again, because I caught my reflection in the glass door of my house and the reflection looking back at me, wasn't bad at all!!!
So there ya go, hahaha. So until next time peeps, ciao for now
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