It's kind of like that! Today was all about frustrations. I swear I know I can best the shite out of a dead horse but damn tonight a bunch if people were talking and these two people were just hashing the same thing over and over. It was ridiculous. I finally said they are acting line little kids, stomping their feet and seeing who yells loudest. No one expected me to be the voice of reason. Lol surprised their asses. 😄
Remember I said I haven't heard back from anyone I've applied to. That it was terrible not hearing anything? Well I heard back from 2 today and they were rejections. Now I'm not sure which is better, hearing or not. Lol I'm just tired of always reaching out and getting nothing back. I'm tenacious but I'm sensitive also. I have friends going through some deep stuff and my heart breaks for them, I have friends I just saw and miss already, I have friends I haven't seen in ages and I long to see them. I have a million feelings inside me. I tried to write done poetry tonight but it sounded so, morbid maybe, or just wanting I'd more like it. I long for do many things. I have some things I am looking into that I will tell when it looks like it may happen but in the meantime I have days filled with no more than housecleaning and dreams. Life will change again, that's the beauty of it. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Hope it's good. Hope it's cooler weather, but that is not the case. It's hot & it seems to be that way everywhere.
Not much tonight peeps, so I take my leave. As always. Ciao For Now
You know from where I speak when I say enjoy the time off now to do what you need to get done because you are going to have something by November. Then you'll be saying you don't have time for this or that. You know how it always happens. I hated being out but got a lot of stuff done. Hugs.