I have had a mediocre weekend. I got a bit ill again, I don't know, maybe I caught a bug. The weather has been quite hot and it rained all afternoon. Yes not a cheery blog, my apologies but I am not in a cheery mood at the moment. I just spoke to my dad about an hour ago and he told ne that our old neighbor drove by to see him.
Well the oldest daughter came by. Her mom, thankfully is still doing well at 92, forgetful but at 92 I'm not sure if I would care about remembering anything anyway. These are the people who lived next door most of my life in that house. The new neighbors moved in 4 years ago. I played in their home, with the 3 kids (all older than me) but they always included me in backyard parties. Especially when I was 14 and up. They are all about 8 years older than me. In ranges of course. The oldest is more like 13 years older, and this who came by to see how my dad was doing. She then told him that her brother was put into a hospice. I am both shocked and very sad at this news. I cried when I heard this. He is a good man, he does not deserve this. I don't think this just happened either as she told my dad that she didn't make the Italian Easter Pie she always brings him as they were going through this. The place he is in is for people who have 6 months or less to live. This means if its been since April its been 3 months already. I called her but got voice mail. I am so upset right now. This is a person who was a part of my youth, my teens and 20's. He let me drive his MG and I loved it!! He was going to be a baseball player but he had knee surgeries that prevented him from doing this. He was selected to try out too, it was a good possibility he would have made the majors. Good looking man too. Oh I had the biggest crush on him as I was little. I remember, oh I had to be about 7 and my Mom bought me cool white go-go boots, and I had to go show him right away. LOL He never made me feel silly and always listened to me. Lots of older kids never did. I know he is not gone yet but it doesn't sound like there is any hope at this point and I just can't help feeling very very sad. Ah well it is inevitable, it happens to all of us but I always said how much I value people in my life and it doesn't matter if I see you all the time or once in a while. Those in my life matter to me, so I love you all my friends. Those of you who read my blog I so appreciate you, all you people in other countries. Love your friends and let them know how much they mean to you.
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