I have been asked this question by several folks, and it is a valid question. Why do people blog? Why are we so interested in sharing information to others who we don't even know? What do you blog about, what kind of blog do you have? All of these are again, good questions. I can only answer for me, so I would have to say that, for me blogging is a type of therapy. My situation is not so different from many others that I would fool myself into thinking people rush to read of my next adventure. Trust me, my life is not that exciting!! LOL Matter of fact I know that many people who read me every day have slowed down or even stopped due to their own personal time constraints. I am not upset, & I fully understand. I'll admit, I like that friends read what I write, but in reality, I am a very basic, ordinary, teetering on dull, kind of gal. I know that not every blog is a great one, or even interesting. I just get upset that when I write something I think is rather good, I don't want anyone to have gotten so bored with my small banal little blurbs that they miss the really meaty blogs. There have been a few as of late, and now they will be missed by many, LOL!! Oh don't shed a tear, I haven't. I don't mean that in a mean or cruel way either, far from it. People have lives, and I know damn well that I will not be part of everyone's day to day living. No matter how much I hound, and pry and beg...LMAO ;-D
According to my Facebook, I'm a fucking hoot and a half! I post fun pics, leave witty little status updates, but as much as it IS me, it's just a way of filling the loneliness I actually feel sometimes. Oh I am not taking away from anyone or anything on there. I like all the people on my page which is why I don't have friends in the excess of 500 and up. I enjoy the back and forth, I am in a few groups and one is from the town I grew up in, my Dad still lives there. I like catching up with the people I went to school with, relive the memories that made it a great time. Finding out all these years later that I was not the only person who viewed a situation, or teacher, or music or anything else, the same as I did. I am also speaking to those who I knew by name (smaller town in a big city), but not in person. I am also finding out that people are so very kind. A man I knew from all the way back in grade school, contacted me several times about jobs he has seen that I may be interested in. A woman I went to high school with (very sweet woman but wasn't in my "close group") who I have come to know better on FB posted some images to my page because they made her think of me!! I can not tell you how very touched that makes me. Maybe it's because we are all older and not caught in teenage competition, that I can connect with these folks now. We have had our life lessons, we have experienced what our parents were preparing us for. LIFE HAPPENED!! It really doesn't matter anymore who the most popular is, or if that one got fat, lost weight, lost hair, got divorced. We all experienced things that made us realize, hopefully, that people are people no matter the difference in looks, that change happens all the time. Real issues took over, jobs, mortgages, you know, being a grown up! (SHUDDER)
Getting back to the question at hand. I blog now to write about what I see and how I feel, I try to blog every day, but in the last few months I have been slacking off. Not because I don't feel like writing, but because my life has gone into a kind of stasis where every day seems the same. A boring Groundhog's day. With bursts of fun thrown in. Huzzah, those bursts give me the urge to blog. Like I mentioned, blogging is also a therapy for me. look I started this when I really started to try and live a healthy lifestyle. I was doing really good, then I got lazy again. ACK, I did stop myself before I went too badly in the backpedal, but I now have been back on track since January and have lost a solid 34 pounds since the new year. Whoot whoot right? No, I feel bad. The thing is with what I lost prior and now this I am down my original loss of 54 plus 6 more. I know that's great and it is, I am not belittling the loss. I just have so much more to go!!! BUT, I finally really can see a difference in how I look, and I am happy. So as I look to more of the same, meaning going to the gym and eating healthy, I will be blogging, sometimes more than others but I am not promising everyday. I hope that you will join me, and comment and enjoy. Also ask me stuff. I am one opinionated passionate woman. I also am a great devil's advocate. I can see both sides of most things. Which is why you never ask me "What you want to do?" I just want to do something, anything. I just want to do! LOL So come visit every now and again. Thank you so much for reading and helping me as well. Oh yes you do! So as always Ciao For Now.
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