Well the reason they hurt is because, Ive been good with going to the gym and have gone 4x in a row, meaning I went, came back, went, waited a day, came back, etc. I was too sparadic when I went last time and one main difference (I know it shouldn't matter) is that hubs is 100% behind this. He is not going to any gym, but he has cut way down on carbs and sodium. I still don't know what all the machines my amazon has me on but I know of course one is the Ab Crunch which I love. Moved my pin to 50 today. There is a rope that I stand by and pull down, I work arms and pecs with two machines and the one I find interesting too is the rotary twist. It is (knock wood) really helping my back. I know I said that but I am just reiterating it, as more times on it, it's keeps growing me.
A friend of mine just left for a business trip to London and he sent me a pic today that was SO cool. He knows I watch the show and he sent me a pic of Selfridges & Co. I was tickled pink. I love things like that. Another friend of mine knows my watch word - believe. At the holidays when he was in NY he took a pic of Macy's "BELIEVE" sign, also a pic of this huge sleigh from Canary Warf. It's things like that that mean so much to me. Means you are being thought of. I send stuff to people's Facebook pages a lot when I think of them. I love my friends and yet I can behave a proper ass, as I tend to get possessive of them on occasion. It's not them its fully me, my deal, but I say shit and then wish I could take it back or let them know I realize I am a jerk. Wine has been known to be of assistance in these silly things as it was last night. Even with just one glass I got stupid for a moment then tried to explain then sounded even dumber LOL I so hope the person I emailed understands. Think so :-) HAHAHA
I saw something today that sounded kind of interesting. I was at the grocery store and saw a bottle of Heinz ketchup made with Balsamic Vinegar. I adore balsamic vinegar and almost bought it. I didn't though as it had 9 gms of sugar. Too much, it's only a condiment, not a sweet or candy. I was coming down off the gym high so I bought such healthy things LOL I bought PLAIN greek yogurt, fresh berries. Grape Nuts cereal instead of granola to sprinkle on the yogurt. It has a very low sugar count. So we had the yogurt, berries, cereal for breakfast drizzled with raw honey. Was very good. I bought eggs and hard-boiled the entire dozen so we have a meal on the go. Grab the egg and be on your way. I've been having too many carbs, even though they are in the form of oat porridge, it's too much every day. Bought chicken that's cooking in the slow cooker right now. Lean beef, pork and salmon for tomorrow. Trying to be good, also not trying to focus totally in this. I am such a great starter, we know this, time to follow through again. I did it last year, I can do it this year. Bunk to not having a job, this is my life. We will get by and one more thing. My good fitting jeans (not my big ones) are loose on me. WOOHOO!!!
As I said dinner is in the slow cooker. We are having asparagus and brussels with it. And I need to get them started. So I hope that everyone has a wonderful Monday, and a fantastic night tonight. Ciao For Now.
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