I want to be elegant but I'm not sure it's a good fit for me. I would just once like to ride in a limo to start a 5 star night. Oh how the beautiful people all know just how to hold their champagne glasses. How to say just the right thing, and laugh just so perfectly, and always at the right time. So not me. I'm boisterous, and talk way too much. I spill things, and have a knack for blurting out my thoughts without thinking them through. I'm the proverbial sow's ear waiting to be made into a silk purse. But truthfully, the folks in steerage always seem to have lots of fun. So -I'm happy with me overall. I like who I am, and want to share myself with family and friends but alas very few are nearby. So I get distraught occasionally. I found something today about missing people that said it best. It went ( and I'm paraphrasing here) "It's not who you've known the longest or how long it's been since you've seen them, but its when you are in a moment that you think of someone who you want to share what's happening, that's truly missing someone. " I have the quote somewhere but you get the gist if it. I have come across things in the day to day that makes me think of people, and know they could appreciate a situation or something the same as me. Something we would share. Love that!!
I think I watch too many old B&W movies. Lol it's 4:30 Sunday morning. Just feeling mushy. :-) will be back later with thought and telling how the weekend went. So until later peeps. I say ciao for now.
So there you have it Peeps. So again I say Ciao, see ya later :-D
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