Thursday, December 27, 2012

Don't Be So Rash

     Unfortunately I can't help it as my medicine has done just that. It's giving me a lovely blotchy red rash on my legs, hands and chest. I was thinking about my hubs and the itching he does and while speaking with a friend today he mentioned the same thing.  It's terrible but I have my benedryl so I'm dealing with it. 
    The days are all melting into one as when you don't do anything it's just passing hours. This to me is the hardest thing to deal with. Oh sure I love a lazy day, one where you have no work or no plans, but when that's the constant even days like that get so fookin' boring. I would so much prefer to be doing things so that when I veg out it's because I'm tired from things I've done. I did venture out for Christmas to go to my in-laws and even though it was wonderful to see them, it made me so tired. I was very surprised at how taxing just showering was. I wrapped my arm in a plastic bag so I wouldn't get the PICC line wet and the water felt so good just falling on me that I didn't want to get out. I washed my hair and used the last of my Molten Brown on my body and it made the bathroom, (and me lol), smell so good.
     Today was a phone day as about 5 people called in a row. I loved it. I would love to Skype more, I facetimed with a friend last night who just got an Iphone5 and never had done it before. We laughed so hard, she is like a sister to me. She had the best story that I must share, she put it on Facebook so I don't think she would mind, her son (age 7) had used her peppermint body wash to take his shower and when he had come downstairs he announced that his penie smelled like a candy cane!!  BWahahaha, you have to love kids and the things they come out with!! :-D 
     I have a Dr. appointment next Thursday so hopefully they will take out the PICC line and let me go back to being untethered and then back to work!!  I miss working, I do like what I do :-) 
     Well I really am boring right now so I won't keep that going and bore you all also so here is where I will say, as always, Ciao For Now

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