Monday, December 31, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

     "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, And Never Brought To Mind. Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, And Auld Lang Syne."  A simple Scottish poem set to music that has become the epitome of a New Years song. I looked it up and it means "Old Long Ago". Makes sense to think on whats gone before us in the year that's leaving, also to remember those perhaps no longer with us. "We'll take a cup O' Kindness Yet for Auld Lang Syne", so we raise our glasses at midnight and give each other hugs and kisses and good wishes for the year that's coming.  As I get older I can see how New Years Eve has changed for me. What once was an excuse for a huge fun time with lots of drinking and drugs, (yes mainly pot, but some others made there way in back then), is now a time of reflection and self growth. That does not mean that I don't enjoy a good party, I most certainly do and always will, but if I don't go to any I am not bummed. This year hubs and I were invited out to what would have been a great night. Some friends have this huge hooka and we all were going to partake and have some drinks, and laughs, but since I am still not 100% I am staying in tonight. I just finished my last treatment IV for 2012. LOL I figure if this is how the year is starting it's just going to get better. It's only half ten here, yet a few of my friends have already seen the New Year in, I love watching the clock chime in all the time zones, seeing the year coming across the globe. New start, like a rebirth of sorts. 
     Unfortunately this last IV dose has given way to tummy issues as it often does so this will be shorter than I thought it would be, and plus me jabbering on does nothing to cure a hangover, so I want to leave you with this sentiment I found online. It was written by an Englishman named Neil Gaiman, it goes as follows:
May your coming year be filled with magic, and dreams, and good madness,
I hope you read some fine books, and kiss someone who thinks you are wonderful, 
And don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only YOU can, And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
     Hopefully you will have lots of surprises in 2013, and cross off items on your bucket lists and don't forget to play as well as work. Know that you deserve to be treated with love and kindness and that it's not bad to win but when you lose to do it gracefully and to learn from it. There is so much to do and we never know when the clock will stop, so live as fully as possible. I wish you all peace and a Very Happy New Year.  

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