Ah the eternal question, who am I? I am me is the answer many will respond but if you sit down and think about it we are each our own little conglomerate. What I mean by that is we are affected by our surroundings. I can't begin to tell you at work how many times I've heard the people on the other end of the phone ask me., "You're from New York aren't you?" I've lived here in Virginia now for 13 years and STILL they can tell. I am and will always be a New Yorker. It's part of me, a part I never want to lose. Because despite the grime and couresness (is that even a word? LOL) New York has a kind of magic all it's own. I've lived in California the other city..hahaha....but there is no comparison. Oh it was okay enough and I admit going up the coast to Carmel or Monteray is wonderful but it's heart beats weaker than New Yorks. There is just something about that city that makes you feel like no other. Yes I know for those of you who work there in the daily grind it's not always wonderful, there is major traffic and so many people. I thought that as well and that was one reason I wanted to leave all those years ago BUT and this is a but bigger than mine...once I was gone I immediately missed her. I missed my family I missed my friends. I missed the community I had been a part of. See I'll let you in on a secret, to this day I have never really fit in down here. Oh I have some friends and there are so many wonderful people but it is still a loose fit. NY is snug as a bug as the saying goes. You can't explain some things.... for example is Central Park. You enter the park as as you walk farther in you all of a sudden realize the traffic sounds are gone and there is a sense of peace (at least to me there always was). There are people playing baseball, or jogging, or throwing frisbees. You walk past the huge bronze Alice In Wonderland statues or go to the great fountain or my favorite, lay on one of the huge rocks that dot the ground and watch the ducks swimming on the lake or just watch the clouds go by. Your stress melts away. If that's too mellow you can always go to Times Square and shop and feel the electricity in the air. Go see a show or take a tour bus (which I so want to do as I never have lol) So many museums to peruse through and the resturants oh my - you have the 5 star places that will boggle your mind then you can go to Gray's Papaya uptown and for very little coin you a great hot dog and papaya drink. Oh and speaking of hot dogs, you have the street vendors. The Sabrett hot dogs are the best I swear they are, with sauerkraut and mustard or those fabulous onions in the red sauce. You can't go wrong eating under the stars as my parents always called it. I have been lucky to see NY through the eyes of someone not from there and it made the city look even better. Yes I miss New York and all she has to offer. I think one time I will book a NY holiday and stay in Manhattan otherwise known as "The City" to those of us from there even though all 5 bouroughs make up the city. LOL So in answer to the main question "Who am I?" I am sensitive yet a hard ass, I am a dreamer yet a realist, I love beauty and art and music, I love my fellow man as a whole yet hate the ignorance of individuals. I am a bitch perhaps at times and an angel as well. I am sexy yet demure and I will always say I am a NEW YORKER!
Add on here folks:
As the 10th anniversary of the Trade Center (Twin Towers) disaster approaches I am posting this here. This short video (about 8 minutes) is just wonderful and shows the true heart of New York. I cried that day ten years ago, and many times after thinking of the senseless loss that was actually a global loss as so many people from so many countries lost loved ones that day. I cried watching this too but smiled this time as well. God I really truly love New York!
Give this a watch no matter where you live (YOU MAY HAVE TO CUT & PASTE THE URL - SORRY)
I agree, our surroundings and experiences make us who we are, but deep inside there we are the decision makers and the path takers. That is soley what gives us our own character.