Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I feel The Earth Move.....

Well pumpkins today, which I thought would be a boring day had a bit of excitment. We had an earthquake. Yep, well we were about 100 miles give or take from the epicenter but man did we feel it. It was a 6.0 so it was a decent size and was felt all the way up to NY city.  I was sitting at my desk when I felt this odd rumble and I thought here comes the trash truck but it was no trash truck. Then I was afraid a plane's landing gear fell ont he buidling or worse a small plane clipped us!! No explosions so then naturally it hits you .....EARTHQUAKE!! really in Virginia, but we are on the east coast we don't get those.  Well we do and since our buildings are not equiped for this the damage could be bad. Luckily it was over in a few minutes, but in that few minytes I saw things being knocked off desks and people standing waiting for others to tell them to leave. I already had my purse in my hand and my sunglasses on!! My little legs moved faster than anyone probably thought they could.
I wasn't scared, I was intrigued!! I felt so energized by this. It was oddly exciting. Truthfully my mind registered there was no real danger so I could in fact enjoy the adrenaline rush I was on.  I have to interject here that if there was more of an emergency I still would have been uber alert. People know me as miss peace love and granola but I can also be quite sharp and to the point when needed. LET'S GO BACK IN TIME - FOLLOW ME.........HEHEHE I was going to be an EMT and today reminded me of that call I had years ago. Sadly it did not come to fruition by a cruel twist of fate. You see I was 2/3 into the course, state CPR certified (still am by the way, bet ya didn't know that about me LOL) and the next week I was to ride in the ambulance and take my driving certification for emergency vehicles. Well the next week I was in the ambulance only as a patient being rushed to the hospital as I could not breathe. Turned out I had a blood clot in my lung that was misdiagnosed originally. I sucked down 2 oxygen tanks on the way to the the hospital and was in there for 10 days. It was bad the first 3 days but I got better. After I got out I spoke to the Cheif and he explained that I can't make up classes and that I would have to start the entire course again. Really!!?? I can't afford that since at that time I was in my own place paying rent and car payments so stupidly I never went back. It's still in me though and who knows maybe when I get to my ultimate fit size I may just go back. I want to go to school to learn more and get a degree in something. I don't want to feel like I just gave up. I was planning school this year but thats another story for another time. Wow - not event he best train engineer can keep my train of thought on track. hahahahahaaha  

As for me I am feeling okay, not great but I am taking my meds religiously (I wear a robe & chant as I swallow the pills  LOL- sombody stop me!!! )  As it seems to happen the night is coming and I feel a fever coming on. By that I mean I am feezing and feel very lethargic. I can promise when I get home my fever will be up.  I am glad that i came to work though, I need to come here I hate being lazy and will not waste sick days for days that I can come into work. Plus thre is always something happening here, good or bad it's not boring!! Well dearhearts it's 7PM and I just wanted to jot down the days events. Here's something I bet you would not have guessed...I can't wait for halloween! Not that I am doing anything that I know of yet, but I can't wait to make my Halloween cards. I have some new images and want to send them to people. Also I just ordered something that I can't wait to arrive. I bought it for my hubby and a friend of mine and can't wait to see the reaction from either of them. hehehehe  I LOVE surprises, don't you.  So until next time ...ciao for now!!

1 comment:

  1. I always wanted to be a nurse, but my parents couldn't afford to send me to school and I needed money so I went to work instead. I always said I'd love to go back to school for it.
