Just hoping the weather holds out and doesn't give us snow when I want to head up. OMG yesterday we got snow. It was supposed to be about an inch, but turned out to be more like 4 inches. Let me tell you, some people have no clue how to drive in snow! Problem also was since they weren't expecting that much they didn't pre treat the roads properly the night before. The toll road I take in to work, normally a 7 minute drive ( I live 5 miles from work), took me an hour. Really an hour, it was crazy. It is pretty tough. Hubs came out with me a brushed all the snow off my car. Oh my car did so well. But I know how to drive in snow, very little keeps me from driving. It's bitter cold out so nothing is melting, snow will stay awhile. When I left for work this morning it was 8 degrees out , or -13C. Brrrr either way. I need a scarf and hat. I finally broke down and got gloves last year. Little at a time. Lol
Checking in to say hey. Still congested, so doubled up on the mucinex tonight, just finished a nice cuppa, so I'm off to bed. Stay groovy peeps, until next time - Ciao For Now
Usually women moan when 4 inches turns out to be 1 ?! Not the other way round LMAO !