Well as usual she did a lovely job on my locks and I can now see without hair in my eyes. My bangs (fringe) starting to get like an English sheepdog LOL I do feel better but damn, my walking is still not where I want it to be. I am more flexible, I can lift my legs higher and more further back ( I know because of an exercise!! What were YOU thinking?? HAHA) I need that boost, and it felt nice.
I got my hair done as I am headed to NY this coming weekend. I have a Communion to go to and I am so looking forward to it. It came up quick, I got the invite a month ago, and here it is, this Saturday. I am also now having tea on Friday afternoon with my friend. I am looking forward to that. Now I'm not sure if it's a real English tea but they say yes, and I am a tea fiend so it's all good. I'm trying to see if my friends from upstate want to go to brunch on Sunday, and I of course will see who else can go. Will keep an eye on my food intake, eggs and salads and the like. Now I have to tell you, one time I go to NY, I would love to go to the afternoon tea at The Ritz Carlton or The Astor Court at the St.Regis Hotel. It's former is legendary of course, and the latter, supposed to be so top drawer, and very elegant. Of course I'm sure it costs a fortune. Maybe when I win a lottery LOL One day I will!! There are so many fine tea rooms now in NY, I'm sure I will get to one. I need to look into this more. I am so appreciative of T going through all the trouble of getting this reservation on Friday. I will be taking lots if pics! LOL Thinking of another cup now as a matter of fact. Is that you calling me Earl??? hehe
Today was a friends birthday, a good friend and I wasn't able to get him his gift on time!! I am so mad at myself, and even more that I forgot his daughter's gift in my car trunk!! I have it all boxed and ready for shipping and it did not get sent. She must think I forgot about her. That is the worst part. My friend understands, but children don't always get it. And they shouldn't have to!! One more reason I hate that he lives so far. From what I saw & heard from him, he had a great birthday though. YAY, as I think birthdays are awesome. I have no problem telling people that I will be 52, I look darn good for it. Sexy even, in a short round kind of way. :-D He should get a kick out of his present. I hope so :-D I have another friend who has a birthday tomorrow! I must call her at midnight and sing to her, this way she can start her day with my voice in her head :-) Shouldn't everyone. LOL
Well peeps I am getting up early as I want to get in an extra gym day. I did only bike and treadmill today so I am doing those and machines tomorrow. Alarm is set for 5:30AM eek!! (smirk) SO as I always do, I am saying Ciao For Now.
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