I saw something on a persons page on another website. It had a pic of George Carlin and under it said, Fucking a fat chick is mind blowing. Well I never had heard this attributed to Carlin so I googled if he ever said it. Nothing like that came up, but what did was a skit he did of 10 things he'd say to fat people. I browsed the replies to see what others thought since I didn't listen. WOW WOW WOW The amount of hateful, rude, purposely mean remarks took me aback. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not talking about things like "oh ate a few too many pies" or cutsey things like that. I'm talking things like "lazy fat fucks don't deserve a life" or I hate fat fucks. Amazing how fat and fuck go together in so many replies. Those were the nicer of the remarks. I tell you, I've been teased by strangers and I've developed a thick skin but as I read these, I felt a tear run down my check. These people don't know me, or any of the ones they are teasing. I'm not stupid, I know that I need to get more healthy, which is why I go to a gym and eat better foods. Also here you have Carlin, thin man, who has had 3 heart attacks with surgery. Isn't that just for fat folk. Of course its not. I think I was partly crying because here was a man who used to be so funny with observations and before he died he got very harsh. Very critical. But damn if I didn't feel like Piggy in "Lord Of The Flies" reading what these people were saying, and every time someone tried to say stop you don't know why they are fat, they had their throats jumped down for defending fat people. It just made me sad, I needed to pen this as it's 5:30 am and I'm tired but can't sleep as I'm coughing too much. Ah so it goes. This fat chick is thinking its not making as much sense on here as it is in my head. Now THAT'S a scary place :-) Hope your day is stellar
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