Tonight on Facebook there was a link to a Florida paper telling the story of a small town that is boycotting a Summer Solstice festival that is scheduled to be happening there. It states that all these pastors and ministers were saying they didn't want no witches in their town, said just like that. Educated people of God right? BULLSHIT!! Sorry but I never heard such uneducated remarks from men and women, who seemed to take joy in shouting them Wht does Lucy from Charlie Brown comics say? "If you can't be right, be wrong at the top of your voice" Well I tell you it made me so angry. Look Pagans, witches, Wiccans, all get a bad rap. Of course as is everywhere you get radical. The extremist who want to shock. Majority do not, us Wicca witchy folk are ruled by the law of 3. Harm none, so more it be. Very powerfull and it makes you responsible for your actions. None of this "sinning" all week then off to church for a hour on a Sunday and all is forgiven. Like in science, every action has a reaction. What you do or say has an effect on something. I hate when people spew out Jesus' words when they are acting the least like the man they claim to adhere to.
I was born ( I always want to say the line from the movie the Jerk lol) into a Catholic family. Irish and Italian, so church was every Sunday, Catholic school, 12 years of it. Even my university was kind of Catholic,it was Jesuit run. An offshoot so to speak. It didn't work for me. I have nothing giants it per say, but for me it left a big hole. Being a witch or if its more acceptable, Wiccan, works well for me. It fits like a glove and it pains me to see it belittled and broken down to a Hollywood mentality by heads of churches that are supposedly teaching the words of a man who said to love thy neighbor as thyself, everyone, it didn't say except other religions, or sexual preferences, it said everyone.
Even the US government has recognized Wicca as a religion. In national cemeteries they now offer to have a pentagram adorn the headstones on the graves of Wiccan military men and women.
Look I don't announce it, I don't say hi I'm Mary and I practice an age old religion, yet I have people come to my door trying to get me to switch to their religion. Sorry dudes but its not like I'm switching cable companies here, this was a choice I made. As an adult, freely, and I don't regret it at all. I have friends of several faiths and some who are atheists. Whatever fits for you. I have to interject here, I like this new Pope Francis, he has a gentle way about him and already is making statements that I'm sure some die hards won't take kindly too. I like that lol
Getting back to my point, see I do get there, is that these folks are complaint that the marina where it's to be held and the town will be over run by devil worshipers, witches and warlocks. P,EASE P,EASE if you are going to insult a group at least educate yourself a little. We don't believe in the devil, devil didn't make us do that. Like I said we are accountable for OUR OWN ACTIONS and the word warlock is insulting. In Welsh it means traitor, so not nice to call someone that. A male witch is just that, a male witch! The man who owns the marina is not backing down, good for him. Don't like it then don't go see it. The solstice had been around to sands and thousands of years, it's going to happen wether you acknowledge it or not.
My fear though is the radicals on both sides of this fence. Yes Wicca is gentle and nature based but nature can be volatile and sadly there are fanatics here too. I just hope the confrontation doesn't turn physical. All it akes is one lunch thrown. So I for one app,aud the festivities, hope it brings good cash flow to the little town. Hope it's peaceful and calm. I have no grip with any belief as long as you do no harm. Harm someone and yea then you have an issue. The path to the Divine has many routes. I wish you all a peaceful journey. Lol I should say Cool Runnings. ( peace be the journey according to the movie. BWAHAHA ) nice sentiment though. :-). So until next time peeps, light and love to you all and of course Ciao For Now.
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