Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, You're Only A Day Away

     Well peeps tomorrow (the 12th) is the birthday of yours truly. Yes I will be 3021 hahahahaha I will be spending it mainly lying in bed and wishing I could go out and have fun, or even be at work LOL  I don't like being sick, I get even more needy, GASP!!! hehehe Ah well hubs is bringing home some Outback steak dinners so we will have a nice comforting dinner. He also bought me a vodka home from a company called 3 olives, it's called loopy and it tastes just like fruit loops. It really does!! I was surprised that the vodka is imported from England, when I think of alcohol from England I always think gin, not vodka. :-D
     Although I am in pain, I have to say that it could be worse. I could have had to have surgery right away and found that my discs are all out of line but I didn't, so even though this is painful it WILL go away. Oh man, this morning my friend calls me and I guess I had fallen back asleep and I'm sure I sounded like a non sen-sickle jack ass! So I am sorry for that my friend. LOL To which you are probably thinking, what do you mean, you sounded like you always do :-D BWAHAHAHAHA
     Whatever the age, it's time to be serious, or should I say more serious. This was a bit of a wake up call, and I see that.  I'm not ignoring it either. I do have to see my regular Dr. next week but he is giving me a plan to follow and then I called my gym today and on the 20th I will be talking to my trainer about what I can use and how much the weights can be. My friend told me she had sciatica when she was pregnant, I didn't know it was like that. So yea I can beat this, change that to will. If there is one thing about me it's when I have a challenge I do my best meet it. I will though, of course take any help that is offered LOL  So any idea you may have, lay them on me please.
     Well in a few minutes the second presidential debate is coming on TV. I will not be watching, and I tell ya I am so tired of facebook becoming a political war zone. There is one person on there, I have known this man since 1987, but he fires off political trash like he's using a Gatling gun. Seriously I have no idea how he does it. Something else I've noticed, that many of the people who are voting Republican, are much crueler than those siding with the Democrats. I can only imagine what will happen when Obama will win, or even worse should Mitt win. I'm packing my bags and gettin out of Dodge :-) 
     Okay I have to say that the muscle relaxers and drugs are starting to kick my butt, so I'm getting off now. Until next time peeps, I say Ciao For Now 

      So as what happens often, I find myself back here. My meds have started to kick in and I am in bed sitting up propped against pillows. Hubs is snoring and the cat is curled between my legs. I am content and actually on Ebay looking at vintage Christmas ornements. Many of mine are from there. They replaced the ones my Mom used to put up, that were so cool, and now are retro or vintage. Things like kneehugger elves, old ceramics by a company called Napco. Some of the prices people are asking is beyond ridiculous, but a few are reasonable and I always put them in my wish list. Rarely do I buy them, but I may just do that tonight. I can't explain it, I love old things, antiques if you will. Especially things like these Chrimbo offerings that remind me of childhood, of a safe time, a happy time. I am so like my Mom in that I actually have boxes in the store room labeled, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, well you get the idea. Growing up, our home was always decorated. To this day when I look at a house, my first thought is, now where will the Christmas tree go? LOL It's a hobby (?) of sorts. Just in a comfy mood and that has been a rarity of late. I'm enjoying looking as I sip my tea. There was this little red reindeer up for auction that is the exact one my Mom bought me when I was about 7. I can remember walking along "the avenue" with my Mom, there were silver decorations on the lampposts, and stores were decorated. We saw these reindeer and Mom got the green one and I got the red one. I loved it, guess a little too much as in time her legs lost strength and the stuffing started to come out of little holes. Finally they went by way of the dinosaur. To see them just makes me smile. Funny the things that make us smile. I know certain people do, things we have done with friends, vacations or trips make us smile, but I wonder if any of you get the same satisfaction I do from looking at things you had in the past. Games, books, whatever! How about you all let me know, especially those of you in other countries, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts. I'm a odd duck I know, but I like to think a fun one, when I'm not being paranoid, or self destructive, or doubtful. LMAO  Well I just stopped in to say hey, still here and awake, what are you all up to? So off I go to meet up with Morpheus and hope to dream sweet, as I wish all of you sweet dreams always. Ciao :-D


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