When I was 10 - I wished I had big boobs
When I was 20 - I wished I had my own apartment
When I was 30 - I wished I had a child
When I was 40 - I wished I had my Mother back
When I was 50 - I wished I had big boobs
As the immortal Bard of Avon said: All the world's a stage, and all the men & women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts! (way to go Shakespeare!)
With each age we have new opportunities and new roads to venture down. Hopefully we learn and grow, developing our character to become the best we can be. We learn new things; in school, from our parents, from our friends. As we get older, there is more piled on us, and we often look back wistfully at our younger years laughing at how hard we thought it all was. It's all relative though, because back then it was hard for us. It was all new! The older we get the less new things there are and when we find something new, oh how we grab on and embrace it! I love to learn, to experience more, meet new people and from them, learn new things! That need to experience as many "roles" as we can before that final curtain falls.
Thing is folks, I have played many roles and hope to play more but right now the play is getting old, even more so than I am! LOL I want to see other plays. I'm tired!! I looked at my face in the mirror over the weekend and I did not look my best. I look normal enough but there is an underlying "something" My manager today said "I can see the strain on your face as of late" and I know what she means. I realize I am not going to look like a 22 year old fresh blossom but I hold my own for my age. I like that when people hear how old I am, I get that look of disbelief hehehe Lately, although I still don't look my age, I certainly feel it!! The obvious is my arm is causing me pain and the nice vicodin helps me with that but a MRI may very well be in the future, that with other issues (some of you know about) are taking a toll on me these last few weeks. I have noticed it in my interactions. I am more needy and touchy feely. I do try to still be cheerful but I admit there are some nights I just let it all out and cry myself to sleep. Believe it or not that helps me release the tension. I'm not looking for pity, no need for it, as this act 3 scene 5, must finish so I can move onto my next part. I think a good mani/pedi and a spa facial will help this weekend. I may be going to a friends house so we can play make-up and just relax and girl talk. It's about an hour and a half drive there and the drive is really pretty so yea I will enjoy that. I have been lax on the gym this past week and only went 2x. Did the treadmil as I can't use my arms to push anything. BUT I will NOT stop. THIS is a sub play and I can't wait to see how it ends LOL
I am not complaining, I am stating facts!! About how I feel, which on a large level is fine, just the inner workings have some kinks I'm trying to work out, and I will! I am the star of my play and will bring this act to it's close with a flourish and triumphant ending, setting the path for the next scene. I said from the start this blog will have rantings and although its had more than it's fair share, I make no excuse as my path may not be as smooth as many of you. I wish I had more comments from you all actually. I love feedback and am interested in what keeps you coming back. What play are you doing? Hows it going?
I'm ending here. Hope you all enjoy my ranting and as always, Ciao For Now
Twelfth Night
ReplyDeleteBe not afraid of greatness: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em. – Malvolio, 4.5.130