Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And Away We Go!!!!!!!

     You know peeps, I wasn't going to post a blog tonight, I had a fuck it kind of feeling so I didn't bother. Now fast forward about 4 hours, I find myself wanting to blog. Maybe because it's getting close to the Sabbath, or that I am relaxed, or maybe the pot, or maybe the warm tea, or maybeeeeeee...wait wait!! What was that before warm tea??????  Whatever it is I am here now and want to talk blog. You know what that is right? It's when I blog like you're sitting across from me and we are talking.Q: Do you know what I've always wondered??? A:  Why is there a permanent press setting on the iron? hmmmmmmmm?  HAHA no but seriously....
     I'm sitting here listening to my husband snore and I'm looking at that stupid wall o crap that needs to go back into the storeroom. I have the light low and a stick of incense burning. It's by a company named Shoyeido from Japan. I love the incense, and no stick, so it burns all the way. I for once in quite some time feel grounded. As you have read in past blogs I have been anything but grounded, feels good to feel normal again. 
    I've been sitting here just going over things in my life that had made me smile. There were a lot of times. I guess that means I did it right, well, so far. Wink!  For a few years after my hysterectomy I thought I had done it as far from right as I could get. I was mad. Mad that I had cancer, mad I wasn't going to have kids! Then my nephew was born.....the anger finally went away as I held him. It became a warm loving ache. I can only imagine what it feels like if it's your own. Then hub's mom got more ill and needed to be looked after. In the end it worked out as it should. If we had had children, we wouldn't have been able to take care of Mom. I really think that things are going to happen the way they should. I mean the path can vary but the destination will always be the same. I think we meet who we are supposed to meet. I believe in fate (and, love, &fairies, &being kind, & giving your all to those you love) Warning you now, this blog may be difficult to follow, even to those of you well schooled in Mary"isms" :-)
     I also have wondered is my love of Retro things is an attempt to stay young? Or is it not to grow up? Are those the same things? 
     I also wonder if I didn't fuck up my life. I know I was lax with college. Now I just want that tea shop :-D  Round back to what I said before. It will come to it's end and me being me is taking the long way there. Know what? I'm smiling right now, I can add that blogging for you all makes me smile. I could also ramble on for pages but I'm going to stop before this does get to the point where you will stop reading and think to yourself "WTF??" So as always ...Ciao For Now

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