Has the earth switched it's rotation, what is going on. I am writing my blog whilst the sun shines. LOL I can hear you all now, oh Mary you are a crazy daring lady to do that!! I know I live on the edge!
Okay the blog I started early has now wiggled it's way to 5:20PM and I am on dinner break so I will finish now :-D
I wanted to do this blog on perspective and it's interesting to me. I am reminded often that what we see, or how we see it, is not the same as others may. I will feel weird about something or think something (usually about my own person) looks odd and I will hear back that that's not how the other person sees it. I guess that means, and quite right actually, is that we are all walking pieces of art. Percieved by each person in only a way they can. I may say I look horrid yet someone else thinks it's sexy. I am finding out that men and women also percieve things differently. I also notice that if you care about someone, and enjoy their company you really don't notice the flaws that they see in themselves. This helps us to realize that we ALL have flaws and we ALL at times think we look like a hot mess! When in reality we look like us. It's a good thing to have these human mirrors to see ourselves in because the ones that hang on the wall often lie as we don't always look with honest eyes. I mean, I'm fat, I know I'm fat, but I have good fat days and bad fat days. I am not ashamed of who I am or how I look and usually don't worry about it. There are those times though, I want to look as perfect as I can, and it's not always corresponding to the situation at hand. Then I am reminded by someone that they don't see me the way I am seeing me right then and all is better. We all have our ungroomed, hair askew days and I find that beautiful. I would, just once though, love to look through another person's eyes to see myself. I was told by someone how I was a short time ago, obviously how they percieved me, and I can say that I never felt more beautiful, so all in all, and in retrospect, and hindsight or any other post word you can choose, I'm okay and I know so are YOU!!
I really need to re-read what I wrote as sometimes I write how I think and the sentances are fractured and don't quite make sense. LOL
Right now I have kicked my shoes off under my desk and I am in search for milk. I have the worst heartburn from the weekend. Payback is a bitch! I really enjoyed all the cooking and the eating, but when I got home I felt so weighted down and I think back that the meal I ate yesterday was a recurring one years ago. I am at the point where my body now fights me if I don't eat better. HAHA Never thought I'd get to that point and I also have found that I love wine but it effects me silly. I think I will stick to cocktails when I go out - okay maybe if its a real nice place, and its real good wine. The wine we had yesterday was called Barefoot at $5 bucks a pop, last amazing bottle was the one I got as a birthday gift last year.
Yesterday after dinner, my niece called me to listen to her play a song on the piano. Her friend is teaching her. I tell ya, Merrily We Roll Along sounds almost exactly like Mary Had A Little Lamb, and I got it wrong. 50-50 shot and I blew it! I was chastised appropriately for my error with a glance that only a 9 year old can give you HAHA I wowed her though with my hunt & peck on the piano rendition of Silent Night. Yes, yesterday was fun.
Well darlings I am out of here for this blog as I rambled enough. It's another few hours of work then off to the grocery store then finally home, where the hubs and a hot cup of tea will be waiting for me. So as always, Ciao For Now
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