Well peeps I know it's been a few days but here is the weekend roundup so to speak. Currently at 4:30 in the afternoon it's 81 degrees. Fabulous day and actually yesterday was just as nice so yes I did some driving topless. The car top that is, I wouldn't want to scare anyone by myself going topless. LOL As always it was great. I found a place that has English imports, lovely tea sets and sweets and food. NO TEA though but I have a connection for that ;-) hehe I went in because they had a cool English phone box out front that I wanted to check out. LOOK what they did have though: Garabaldi's!!! I bought a pack which I'm sure was much more costly than they are across the pond but my dears they were worth it!! I was told they were "The BEST biscuit ever!" I would say I am in accord with this statement. Not overly sweet and the currents give them a nice natural sweetness. Now there were two long pieces in the pack, each divided into smaller sections. I had 2 of those smaller sections with a cup of tea and I tried to figure the calorie and sugar content of what I et! Wasn't sure though, so can any of you help me and let me know what I injested as a treat and plan to again tonight while watching MadMen!
Also while out on my drive I saw and I had to look twice a pink, yes PINK mini cooper! Be still my heart.....I wanted to follow it but one it wasn't a convertible and two I was at a red light so I couldn't go anywhere! LOL I WANT ONE!!! Of course i would want a pale pink with white racing stripes and a funky white & pink top! LOL But I really want the black one and convertible as well. Here is what I want,
My birthday is in October.....just sayin' ;-D So I go along my merry way and get spray paint to paint a chair I have that I want to place on my new front deck, and I'm coming back from the store and at another red light I find myself next to, yes you guessed, a convertible mini with , I must admit, a very handsome man driving. He sees me looking and caught in mid drool I do what anyone woulod. Shout out nice car, he says you too, and off we go until the next light. This happened 5x and by the 5th time I say I was thinking of getting one and he said they are fun and I should try one. I say someday I will test drive, and he says want to drive this? Now friends there are times in your life that temptation rolls around and you are SO SO tempted and this was indeed one of those times. As much as I wanted to drive this good looking mans car I declined with a polite thanks but no thanks. I mean I'm not stupid, who knows he could have had an axe or something! Okay I'm sure he was just as nice as can be with no ulterior motives.....you know typing this I am now thinking , why the hell DIDN'T I? LOL Nah I will test drive at the dealership one day SOON ;-)
So here we are at Sunday, hubs and I went out for breakfast and then on to taxes which are never good but we were happy that they were actually less than last year and by a goodly amount, so now that is over for another year thank goodness. It was so crazy thinking of them and the build up was terrifying but just like the movie "Paranormal Activity" they turned out to be nothing to be scared of!
We are planning dinner out as well, not sure where but i'm rooting for Joe's as I want crab and they have outdoor seating and it's just so pretty out it would be a nice end to a decent weekend. They have a good fire grilled selection that is so naturally sweet that no butter is even needed!! (And I DO NOT need it!!)
Well peeps I am ending here as nothing else really is going to draw in a crowd, and I'm sure you are getting sleepy reading as is ;-D So as always peeps, Ciao For Now
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