I kind of feel like every now and again, like when I get too stupid or grabby, something happens to ground me. Without going into detail, that's what happened today. It really got me thinking about how, no matter what, we find ourselves doing what we must sometimes and not even thinking about it. More reactionary impulse than thought out and planned. It amazes me what the human body can endure when pushed. I then remebered something I saw on facebook, it was very moving and eyeopening. It was a video of a person going theough his day, but he could hear everyone and their thoughts, and it helped him understand the actions. Of course we never know what someone is thinking. Now close friends, or very astute folk, can surmise some of what others may be thinking, but that is more familiarity than observation (or is it?) Even a good friend has watched you and without knowing it learned many of your patterns so it seems they can read your mind.
It occurs to me that to someone on the outside, looking in watching my bestie and me, it almost seems like we are telepathic. Is that even real? I believe so. Indeed, I think the connection is possible and happens more than we think. How may times have you thought of someone, then out of the blue they call? I personally one day was feeling very bummed, and a friend, quite unexpectedly, called me and told me about an article he read, and when I read it it was JUST the thing I needed to read to cheer me up!! I think we all have the ability, call it, intuition,or even body language if it makes it easier. We are able to communicate without words. Moms & Dads are pro's at this and my parents, well my Mom could have written a book. All she would have to do is look at me and man I knew if I was in trouble, she didn't need to tell me. Animals do this all the time. Not so much cats but especially a dog, a pack animal, who sees you as one of his own tribe, can always tell when you are upset and usually will try to comfort you. No words needed. Telepathy, psychic connections, being sensitive, I think they all link up. I know I have friends that I share this with and i'm sure they in turn have other friends they share this with as well.
Hahaha I find it funny that this is me writing a blog about no words spoken. Me!! That girl who has to be careful not to get her tongue sunburned as her mouth is always open talking. Yes the girl who can ramble on and on until that poor dead horse is too far gone even for dog food. Yes Me!! Writitng a blog about silence. Believe it or not, I CAN be quiet! I actually enjoy quiet, tranquil times. It's when my old fashioned me comes out, the candles and perfumed air, a hot cup of tea in my bone china tea cup or someone to just lay with and not speak, times like these are the most treasured 10 minutes anyone could have ;-)
As usual my blog is all over the place but I just pen what goes through my mind, and my mind, is to some, an aquired taste, so to speak. LOL I will leave you here as if I talk anymore I will sound like a badly written school documentary and commentary, and no one wants to read that. Hell, I don't want to write it. Yet should anyone want to discuss , just let me know and I'm always up for a chat. LOL
Winding down, and I have a doctors appointment in the morning so I am saying Ciao For Now
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