Last night is what I am referring to. The hubs made friends with Captain Morgan and I admit I shook his hand a little too LOL So needless to say we were giddy and laughing to start with so when a commercial came on that said the word vaginal he was questioning why it is said vaginal, with a short "i" sound, in that context but with a long "i" sound when just said vagina? He kept repeating this word over and over and I finally shouted (while laughing) "Are you still on the vagina!!?" Then he looks at me and we both went hysterical laughing! Then we are watching TV and he is whispering the word vagina over and over, I look at him and he blurts out pussy, the cunt, then a few more colorful words to describe my (& all us gals') sacred place!! I can't stop laughing, then in his most southern redneck voice yells out "Pa, thats some good eatin' pussy! I just rolled I was laughing so hard. I tell you after all this time the man still makes me laugh!!
Peeps I am in a good mood despite some bad news today. A friend of mine had to take his sister off life support and we don't know how long she will last but they know it will end with her passing. I feel so bad for him, and I wish I could take away the pain but I know I can't. I just will light a candle for her to guide her to the next plane safely.
Like I said my mood is good. I spoke with my friend today, the one who got the new ink and it looks wonderful. I am so happy for him. I love tattoos, they are sexy and great expression.I am totally jealous in the best of ways and elated that he has fresh ink since I know I too will have some end of March. Man it's the best feeling!! I want to hug him and see it in person!! One day hopefully.
I am being good and want to head to the gym but to be honest my knee really hurts. I dont know if the rain has anything to do with it but man it's to the point where I may take my kewl rose cane to work with me tomorrow. Sheesh. LOL
So look my dears you all have a good night, I am getting ready to leave and I have a few errand to run after work so until next time ciao for now
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