Today due to some news I've gotten from a few (no less than 4!! ) friends today, my mind went to thoughts ranging from somber to mystifying. My heart is with them and I KNOW all will be FINE! Yet it boggles the mind (well mine anyway) sometimes how you have us little beings of all shapes and sizes, and things happen to those you don't think wouldn't, yet the ones who are likely targets seem to come out unscathed. I eat bunny food and no carbs because I am trying to get fit. A friend is going to have surgery to help her attain this. Another friend had a family member taken ill suddenly, my dad who is at the age where he says he is on borrowed time is doing well yet slowing way down. Jobs we feel secure in can end at a moments notice. Spouses change for no reason. Who the hell knows how the cards will fall? We live our lives never knowing and we try to be the best we can. Speaking for myself I have fallen short of this many times, still do on occasion and we all say the same thing when we falter, " I'm only human". We are only human and we have weaknesses and faults but we battle to overcome these. Does it matter what we do? I often wonder things like this when I see a things that "Beat The Odds" There are those that believe the day you are born that somewhere in a great huge book the day you die is written next to it. SOOOOOO does that mean no matter what you do you won't die until then. Hi St. Peter how are you? Go Back you're early!! WHAT!!?? or Congratulations you won all that money on a $1 lottery ticket OR so sorry that $100 you used to buy all those tickets didn't win you anything. Is there a ryhme or reason to anything?! I'd like to believe there is a baseline and we grow from that. Some folks lived charmed lives it seems and other struggle, this will never change. Why is it like this?? To me it's balance. If everythng was always wonderful and perfect then you would never really appreciate anything, the opposite is also true , if you have strife or trouble and then good happens you treasure it and want to hold onto it! Light/dark, good/bad, yin/yang, day/night..shall I go on? For me I feel like I am always fighting this invisible force yet on the days when it seems to be resting I feel odd in a way that I can't really explain, like something is missing. I don't know, thinking about it hurts my head LOL I hope this offends no ones ideaologies, we all believe what we believe but I sure would love to know who is driving this bus of life!
Wow see what no carbs does to a person!!?? LMAO I get this way sometimes, really deep but actually I am very lighthearted no really I AM
Well its time to go and I need to shake off this macabre image I'm presenting tune in next time for the lighter side of blogging, maybe something sexy.......ooh baby
LOL Ciao for now
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