It's 10:35 on a very blustery Sunday. Hubs is still kind of asleep, he opens his eyes smiles and makes kissy sounds then he's back to snoring. LOL So I am trying to be quiet. Not to hard this morning as I have no plans on going out (with the wind, the temp feels like 10 degrees F) I am propped up next to him in bed, having brought up my mug of tea, and listening to the chimes in our yard going full blast in all the wind. All in all it's cozy in here :-D
Was speaking with my Dad on Friday night and he was all excited about the winter social at his church. His lady is going to pick him up and they will go together. When I say his lady I mean the one he has been out to dinner with several times, yet he insists they are just friends. I asked him if he was going to bring her some Valentine's candy and he said no. I told him he was a lousy boyfriend, that made him laugh (my intent I admit) then he told me she called him to make sure they were still going. So that's the game eh dad?? He plays hard to get. I told him that along with a few things including she better not answer the phone when I call him today. He was just laughing his butt off and it was good to hear.
Obviously we did not go away yesterday as I was hoping. Hubs skin problems were acting up really badly, worse than I have seen in a long time and he gets, shall we say, a bit grumpy, which I can't fault him as I'm sure he feels miserable. Although, now I hate to sound selfish, I really wanted to go away!!! To ease my soul I drowned my sorrow in pizza. NOT GOOD I know but it's a crutch. I was feeling blue about all of it, his skin problem which I am totally helpless to do anything about, not going to the movies and away for the overnight like we had spoken of, my knee still being f'd up so I caved. I am not proud of it, as I am stronger than that but occasionally it gets to me. Back on track though today 100%, I don't cave for long. Life is going to have those moments though won't it? Still the new dress I bought is a size smaller and loose so the results are there, I go to the gym in the AM again, then every other day. Even get to see the trainer next Saturday. I have a 10:00am appointment.
Now the most surprising news is that Whitney Houston has died at the age of 48. Already on facebook I am seeing the haters posting things like "another junkie dead" and things like that. As I posted there, I know she had a problem, I also know she did go to re-hab and seemed to be doing well. I judge no one on their pasts or their addictions, god knows I have mine, but I am sad she is gone. She was a huge talent, I wish her R.I.P.
Well hubs is awake and the cat has joined us here as well. She loves to be part of the family and cuddle with us. This morning she was spawled on my leg with her ARSE in my face. Nothing like the love of a kitty hahahaha Okay Im back, you don't know it but I was off making a nice cup of tea for hubby. Today as I said is an indoor day and I do have a baby card to make for a lady at work. So until later I will say there you have the weekend round up so far, and as always Ciao For Now
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