Okay first the other things. I am waiting to hear back from my artist to get more ink and I can't wait. Isn't it funny after the blog I wrote about not sharing nude photos of myself unless for the intended party; I have no trouble sitting totally topless in a room, in a tattoo parlor getting inked! LOL Doing good, went to the gym this am but came home half hour later as I wasn't feeling too well. Took a shower and laid down until about 8:30AM. had a nice conversation with a dear friend then came her to work. One of the women here saw me coming out of the ladies room and she said how good I look and how am I doing it? I was so happy she said that as I always wonder if one can tell I am losing weight. I see it most days then some like today I feel "fatter" LOL I know but it is my life now and there will be the occasional sweet but for special times. Then they will be even more special :-)
Now the main title: TRUST : Small word with a huge meaning. What does it mean to trust someone and to what degree? I trust very few people 100%. Those that fall into that category have my life. There is nothing I would not tell them or do for them. I admit if I ever found that the trust was broken it would kill me me yet if I asked a question and the answer did just that I still would want an honest answer. I would do the same for them, I will answer honestly even knowing that it may break a trust. But see there is the paradox of it. I would not be afraid to answer a question honestly because trust at that level means that they trust me the same and I would not do something that would hurt them that much as to break us apart. We all fail at times and will occasionally disappoint each other but trust holds us together at these times.
I trust that day will turn into night, that Monday follows Sunday, things like these that are fixed are easy to believe and trust in. I also trust the seasons although lately they have been switching it around on me a little. (We are expecting possible sleet on Wednesday & had snow in October! LOL) Our money says In God We Trust, know why? From what I read its that money used to be backed by silver but not anymore. If one day the government said money is no good anymore it could then be used for toilet paper as any and all value would be gone. TRUST is fragile indeed.
I like to think I am trustworthy, I know several of my friends who trust me with that 100% and I would never break that trust as I feel the same about them. I feel honored when I am asked to handle money or issues because my bosses know they can trust me with them. I like being trusted. Now am I perfect? Hell no, far from it, BUT that's the nice thing, you don't have to be perfect to be trusted. This entire blog came about because I was involved in a discussion today on the subject.
I trust what my dearest friends tell me and they in turn trust me. I like how that works, it's comforting to know that I have people in my life I can let hold my soul, so to speak and they won't destroy me. Isn't that an odd analogy? LOL but it's how I see it. Okay I know you all get my point so I will not beat that poor horse anymore as I have been known to do in the past - on occasion! ;-) So I will leave a cool poster I found on here. You'll love it, trust me! Bwahahahahahahaha Until next time peeps, ciao for now.
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