Thursday, December 8, 2011

Keep Warm and Snuggle Up

     That title my friends is what is on a mug that I desperately want. LOL I saw it on a website and I asked the lady where she bought it and she said the Christmas department at Mark & Spencer. I looked online and no luck so I figure it must be store only, oh well. I will live first my boot now the mug -  I'm moving to England! hahahaha
     What a day today, first of course it's the anniversary of John Lennon's murder. I remember it well as my friends and I were listening to the radio hanging out in the basement when the DJ just scratched across the record to announce it. We all got so quiet. Now granted when The Beatles were hot we were all really young but there music seems timeless and of course we all know it!  Next there was a shooting at a college campus called VA Tech and my manager's daughter is there. She couldn't get through to the school ans she was so panicked. Finally she heard from her daughter as the phones lines were blocked. What a relief becasue they repeorted the shooter near where her daughter was.  I just can't imagine what mindset must you be in to open fire at random people. It happened there 3 years ago and 33 people were killed!! So sad.
     Lastly and in the grand scheme of things not really important was that I survived our Holiday Pot Luck. Wasn't too bad but I had no mac&cheese, no corn pudding, no potato salad, no bread, no beans, no rice, well you get the idea. ALSO not  any desserts at all. I made my eggnog flavored coffee to ease my soul! I did allow myself one piece of sweet potato since i can have them on phase 2 even though I rarely do any.  LOL   So I think I will make it this holiday season as I have to keep on track as I have said in the past  I have plains.  I mean to make them happen too.   Work is good and I am very lucky I have a good group of people I work with.  
     Spoke to Jo-Ann, and she got the coat I sent her and it's too small but she is keeping it for next year. She is doing well also and she said that Christmas will be hard but as I told her do what you can. Don't cook anything too tempting, have people bring things of that sort and if any leftovers happen make them take them home so they are not in the house. One thing to be home thinking , hmm I would love some chips or cake but you have to go out and get them which usually helps in preventing you to BUT if they are in the house all you need to do is walk to the kitchen, hell you don't even have to be dressed. I rarely am when I'm home and it's later in the day and I know no one is goint to show up.  LOL There is a running gag with me and my girl Kelly, she alwasy asks me are you naked? Usually I am but I wear my blue slippers. HAHAHA Can't help it I like being comfy and naked is as comfy as you can get.  I'm weird though, I also love getting dressed up, you know cocktail dress time and perfect hair and make-up, I am such a Libra, I love it both ways!!
     I am thinking of the New Year, a new start, page 1.  For the first time i can make the resolution to get fit and know that I won't break it as I've been doing it. What I DO need to do is kick it up a notch in the New Year. I want to go the gym more in the AM and do more things when I'm there. It's a great place, called The Women's Club of Chantilly, but I don't take full advantage. Once I can excercise and breath easier while doing it (really not an issue on the treadmill anymore) I am going ot take Zumba classes, dancing to lose weight, works for me!! :-D  
Little by little I will whittle, my inches will go away.
I am strong in intent and now in my heart so my path I will not stray!    Like that? I just made it up as I typed ,  hehehe I'm such a dork!!
    Well dears I am posting a few pics of the food feast today , enjoy. There are some people looking, the different food tables (there were 3) my spicy buffalo wing cheese dip (that someone spelt wrong LOL) dessert table and then my little plate with lots of Sylvia's greens (sooo good!)  Take a look :

As always ciao for now  :-D

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