Hey All...I read something cool today and it went something like : "If one has fear of the thorns, then one should not reach for the rose." I really liked this quote and I feel what it says. It reminds me that as we travel the groovy path called life we are going to run into adversity and things may be difficult. We need to remeber that we may need to take a deep breath and follow through even though you occasionally may fall on your arse! We must expect a cerain amount of pain. Really, how interesting would life be if we were never challenged, if we could just have all the great things we wanted without any trials? At first it would be like hell yeah baby..bring it!! After awhile though I really believe we would get tired of no challenges, I think our basic natural instint is to have adventures and to go toe to toe with other people in. In extreme of course this can lead to wars and that sucks but on a regular day to day I think we like to prove ourselves to others. I mean the prize is worth really nothing when it's just handed to you.
Which brings me to another point, which is respect. It takes a lot for me to truly respect some one, and class or money rarely come into play, for me it's all about character. I only hope that somewhere out there someone has uttered the words: "Mary? Yes I respect her." I could go on & on, yes folks she is in a contemplative mood, look out!! LOL I will go home and relax tonight. Share a meal with the hubs and enjoy some wine and contemplate so many things that, in my head, demand comtemplating. Like why the hell are there so many words for off white, I mean there's ecru, eggshell, vintage, the list goes on... and why is the word gnome have a silent "g" I mean why bother adding it if you are not going to say it?? Mary world uses all her letters no matter what!! I've been known to add some to existing words to make it more interesting. LMAO
Just over an hour to go and this time of night I have two groups here. One group who is more dedicated shall we say. They chat and all but they are not loud really. Then there is the other group and they are definately loud. I have no problem with loud but when others are on the phone and can't hear it's disrespectful and that I DO NOT care for! They are good people but workplace is workplace. If no one is on phones, well that's different then, but well it has to be inforced by me, Mama Mary as I call myself LOL Mainly because I can be almost all of their's mom!
Stick a fork in me I am done! Bring on the weekend, finishing cards and getting a haircut otherwise - nothing planned. Flying by the seat of my pants :-D so ciao for now and you all enjoy your weekend!!
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