Well peeps I just got back from NY, Queens to be exact, about an our ago. As always I am very glad to be home yet also as always I hate leaving NY. It is home and always will be. Now for the last 5 years or so I have been making this trip alone. Normally I enjoy the time to reflect, listen to choonz or just enjoy different scenery. This time coming home I felt, well, in a word, LONELY! I didn't feel this way leaving on Friday night but in the daylight with much traffic I wanted to be anywhere but on the road. See I love my Dad but he and I clash because he still views me as a teenager. I can't move without him wanting to know what I'm doing and often his timing is terrible! I was thinking of this on the way home and I realized that he must be quite lonely as well. I would have him come live down here but that would be the end of him. Thankfully, at almost 84, he is in good health, still goes to the gym and now has a lady friend named Marie. He is reading again also but I see him stop and glance at my Mom's photo on the top of the bookcase. Today mayhaps some of that loneliness rubbed off.
I will say that every idiot that could be out driving today was and they were all on the same route as me! Now look I've been driving a very long time and I was even a driving instructor, no really I was! LOL This man on the Jersey Turnpike goes into the right shoulder like something was wrong with his vehicle and so I do what anyone would and continue driving in the lane. He all of a sudden springs forward and drives back into the lane cutting me off. Then he has the nerve to flip ME the bird!! He felt he needed to do this not once, not twice but three times!! So I gave him the one armed Italian salute in response. Oh yes so was my mood today while driving. I played CD after CD, stopped to stretch my knee but just missed having a live person there with me to talk to. I felt very weighted down both physically and mentally. I weighed myself when I got home and still down 28.5 pounds. So much for the 30 but maybe I'll hit it again next Sunday. But I don't think I look any thinner, now don't repeat my words to me. I know there are days like this but it just added to everything.
I get home and find that hubs painted the front door, which looks very good but the foundation color is another story. It's too light and when I got home I said this. Mind you I started with - "the front door looks great and poor baby you must be tired." He said that he started the foundation and that's when I said how light it was and he got angry with me, said I always complain about things. Now I did not complain..ALL I SAID was it was very light. Personally as ling as it fits in the color scheme I don't care at all, but he said I did complain. So I apologized, and we moved on. I don't like arguing and maybe my tone was more tense than I meant it to come across, who knows, and I really wasn't complaining so best to say sorry. So now all is fine, and I do appreciate the work he did and said so, and I mean it! See if he needs help painting the foundation I can help since it's down low LOL Anyway I digress. Really nothing more to report. Working tomorrow even though many are off. Pat is working too, since he got called in.
So until tomorrow peeps, ciao for now.
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