Well as I look at the clock it's exactly 10:22 pm, the exact time I was born AND it was also a Wednesday. haha
Everyone was saying sorry you had to work on your birthday, but that's okay, I didn't mind. I like work it gives me a sense of purpose. They had a surprise little gathering of cupcakes and coffee. They gave me a card with so many signatures I was late logging into a conference call because I was reading them all. LOL I also got an Itunes card and a Starbucks card. I had that lovely dinner last night and about 85 birthday comments on facebook. I also received a fantastic bottle of wine that I can't wait to open Saturday. Was such a surprise I got all teary. Yeah I'm weird that way. I spoke to dear friends old and older (the new are not so new anymore ) and felt the love. I sit here as my husband is snoring away, cat cuddled up next to me now that she is sure I won't make a purse out of her (inside joke haha) and I feel at peace and yes I'm teary again. Happy tears though.
I can tell you it's back on to Phase 1 tomorrow. NO BREAD AT ALL!! I feel weighted down and noticed I've said that in my last few blogs, so it's time to remember the fun and get diligent again, knowing there are more fun times but i realized that the treats tasted so much better because they were not an everyday occurance. They made a special time even more so. They are not the enemy, my abuse of them was. They are not gone for good but like dear friends you don't see often, the time you have with them is more special. Heavens did I just equate my friends with food!? hahahahahahahahhaha Not how I mean it but I know you get my drift.
So just some quick blogging and now off to dreamland. I hear the rain on the roof and it's soothing. I am in a good place both metaphorically and in actual locality.I want to share a choon with you. I love music and the fab thing about music is that depending on your mood or where you are coming from a song you have loved for years takes on a new meaning. How f'ing cool is that!! C'mon it's amazing. Art is just wonderful, it makes you feel, dream, think, remember and just makes you feel good!! This song to me now is as if i'm talking to myself 4 months ago. I had to let go of things and I know that the old me is lurking and always trying to gain the upper hand, but she won't win. I will embrace her, acknowledge her and know she got me to here but now the new me will move forward, can't wait to see where she ends up. So even if it's not your cup of tea listen to the song, listen to the words, hear them, feel them and see if you can relate! Ciao for now peeps.
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