As the week ends down with a bang I am so looking forward to visiting my Dad. To day has been hellish to say the least. One issue after another kept coming up and we were down one supervisor so I was hoping like a one armed paper hanger. LOL Just a chill weekend really as my knee isn't up to much driving but I do plan on having drinks in the evening when my friend comes over to celebrate our birthdays.
I feel like I am more myself if tht makes sense. I am getting back to the funner me :-) the one that jokes around, not possesive (to a point I mean as I am a bit, can't help it) and more open to anything that comes my way. I like this me and I find that even at home life is more relaxed and fun, knock wood! I wore a blouse to work yesterday that I had not worn in almost a year becasue it got tight on me. See I had lost a few pounds then gained it and some of it's friends so now I am truly below the weight I was this time last year but I could have been more below it but such is life. I go from where I started and am pleased with the results whether they can really be noticed I don't care (even though I do LOL) I know I feel different. It was good to get to the gym and work my knee but damn did it hurt the next day. It's gonna be slow and they said up to 8 weeks! damn!!! :-( I feel puffy today too. LOL I mean I know I weigh less but I feel heavy, some days I think gravity says a big F you just pulls harder. Yea it does!! really yes! Maybe not but sounds good to me so i'm standing by it.
Well I'm signing out guys to get everything ready to leave her so i can head home, get my stuff and book to NY. Hopefully traffic is kind and I will cath you all back here Sunday night. So until then as always...peace out peeps!
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