Tuesday, July 19, 2011


You are probably saying whats topsy turvey? Well last night my Dad tells me he has a date on Friday night. He is going to be 84 years old. I have mixed feelings, well not really but hesitations maybe. This is my dad, but if it were anyone else's dad I would be saying right on ...go for it!! So although the thought of Dad getting his groove on kind of skeeves me out, well not kind of - DOES!! I am happy that he is still attracted to the opposite sex and has company. It must be lonely for him, I mean he was married to Mom for a long time before she passed away. He tells me stories from when he was younger about him and his friends going out and being a bit scandelous and I laugh becasue it's just the same kinds of things I have done with my friends in the past. It's a weird coming of age when you realize your parents are people and not just your parents. They may have had a heartbreaking romance in the past or tried out for something and didn't get it. All the things you did and do they did and are still doing. It's Topsy Turvey to me.  When my Mom finished her chemo she and I went on a trip to Massachusets, just the two of us. We stayed in a really nice hotel and did the Salem withc thing and then went to look at the old houses on tour. She LOVED that the most I think.  We went to a restaurant one night and the waiter asked me if I wanted a drink. First let me say the place was in walking distance iof the hotel, we hadn't driven there. I hesitated and before i could answer my mother placed her order and asked me what i was going to have. She suggested an ameretto sour so I said sure. So after about 4 of these EACH!! we were laughing and just talking about  nothing like girlfriends do. It's one of my fondest memeories of my mother. So back round to my Dad. I asked if if he knew about protection becasue hell at his age he may break a hip..LOL   He laughed and then I told him if she picks up the phone Saturday morning I will cry....he laughed again. really though I am happy for him. I hope it goes well and he has a steady ladyfriend. hell she drives..oh yeah  she's a young thing only about 65. My Dad is a scandal - at least now I know where I get it from! 

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