Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fierce Friday

     By fierce I mean the rains that came but later on that.  Was by far one of the laziest days I've had in a long time. My Dad can't get over that I am eating like 5 meals a day. I had breakfast then a little later I had my snack and then my lunch and then, well you get the idea. LOL It's funny but since I've been on this I eat more than I ever did before BUT of course it's what I'm eating that makes the difference. Of course my main problem is carbs, I love them but they are not that kind to me. Oh they love me and want to stray with me, but I look 20 months preggers with triplets because of them. It's all good though and it's coming off me. I don't so much see it as feel it, as in clothes looser and all. Now onto the day, like I said LAY-Z!!!! I actually took a nap, hey doing nothing can be tiring  ;-)  So I traped upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the night out with friends. Trish arrived and soon Jude & Mick came by and we were off. It was a fierce storm we drove in. I swear just getting to the car I had to cross a river. I had no coins for the ferryman so Trish pulled into the driveway and we were Glendale to Zum Stammtisch a really nice German restaurant. I was good I had shrimp cocktail that was reminiscent of the shrimp in Beetlejuice, so I started to sing Day-O hehehe I'm a goof and so are my friends, bless them.  Only thing I did do is take a nibble off of a few desserts, nothing terrible but back on stricter path tomorrow. See that's the thing I needed to wrap my bitty brain around. It was something I shouldn't have done but I wanted a nibble and I had a nibble and in the grans scheme it will not effect me other than preventing me from eating an entire cheescake, which is a good thing.  I had my taste now back to eating healthy. Ate half of my dinner only but all my veggies. No potato or rice!!
     It was so good seeing everyone. I so miss them and it gets very lonely in VA sometimes. I live vicariously through my friends photos and places they go. I so wish I could be with them sharing in the fun times.  I mean I do things here in VA but they are far and few between, and I enjoy them to very much. I am a social animal and I like being around people. We took pictures tonight that were fun. God did we ever laugh too...Jude and I were roomies years ago so we feed off each other well and can make each other laugh. So does Steve as we have been friends for the better part of 25 years. Him & Jude is like watching old comedy skits from Martin & Lewis or Gleason & Carney. You can fall of the chair laughing so hard...
     Speaking of pictures I still hate how I look in them I just can't wait to lose my double chin or at least get it to the point where I don't mind it. I think the reason is that in pictures we see ourselves as the rest of the world sees us and it can be a scary thing. Look I know I'm not ugly but sometimes it's easy to feel that way. It's not so much that you want a pity party but you want to be finished with all of this already and be down that 100 pounds quickly. My nephew weighs about 75 pounds and that's perspective that hits you square in the eyes..I have to lose more than my nephew ...damn!!   I will still be chubby at that point and that for me is fine. As the title of my blog page states I love curves and hopefully mine will be toned enough and hell I liked being a size 14 or 16. It suits me for some odd reason. So little by little, step by step, dress size by dress size I will do it. I deserve to feel fit!!
     Well it's getting late, almost 1AM so I say good night peeps, hope your Saturday is funky. I will be back tomorrow night after my next festivities in Brooklyn come to their end. This one is a cook out, will be a piece of cake, well NOT cake but grilled meats and salads  LOVE IT!!!  TA all

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