First a correction to yesterday's blog. It was just over a week ago not 2 that I had my amazing weekend. To you, still floating from it. Some people just have a way of making you feel so special. They ate a rare and wonderful breed. I felt special that's for sure. Okay enough. God someone shut me up. Lmao
OMG today at work, I have a new dad on the phone. His wife had the baby 4 days ago and I'm walking him through the steps to add the child to his benefits, when all of a sudden, I hear his wife screaming! She's yelling "help me, help me," and she's got this fear in her voice. The man stops talking then she says quick the baby's got something stuck in her throat. The man starts to ask if he can call back I'm like go go now. He hangs up and I'm thinking to myself what could this infant have gotten into her mouth at 4 days old. This was their first child, I asked the Goddess to watch the baby and went on to the next call, but wow! Drama at the call center. Scary to imagine.
Speaking of the Goddess, it's no secret I'm a witch, pagan, Wiccan, however you choose to word it. But to some it's still a frightening word. I wouldn't hurt a fly. But on Facebook I read an article by a woman who clearly had no idea what an earth based religion was as she kept referring to the devil. We don't believe in the devil. Satanists do, but not us. So how can I worship what I don't believe? But I found myself laughing at what she was saying about Halloween. Basically it's the witches new year. The veil between the two worlds is thin so we honor our loved ones who have passed on. Christians gave All Saints and All Souls days. Also there is dios de la muerta. Day of the dead. It's not a crazy idea but she went off saying that don't buy candy at Halloween since witches pray over it and put spells in it. That we have time release curses, and that candy corn is the devils own . OMG really? Okay I agree candy corn is evil, delish sweet evil. And time release curses, for when the 1/ hour curses aren't strong enough?? And at what time do we start this praying over candy. I pray that I don't shove too many fun size bars into my gob! One person wrote on asking her if she knew the cut off time for candy buying. I was crying, so funny.
Okay peeps, I can be a bear of very little brain sometimes. I am the type of person that on occasion gets feelings about people, that I lately have found to be accurate. It's kind of cool, and helps me tune into what's going on and what the pace is. It's happened at work several times and made for very easy fun days. BUT think a friend is hurting, and I can do nothing to help! I need to step back though because I finally realized the last thing someone wants, is to be reminded of is that they hurt, or feel bad. They know I care, and if they choose to discuss it then I am there. They know that I am, I don't need to keep reminding them. So I'm bringing myself back to normal pace. Be the friend they know I am, you know, that cute lovable, sweet, funny, and modest gal. So that's it on that. Nuff said,
I found a new tattoo artist also a few days back. She is wonderful and I want her to ink me. Must save and also must be real sweet to a certain talented friend of mine who draws great, and it would be honored to wear another piece of his art. Maybe if I ask real pretty like, he will draw me something. He's got so much going on though with his football and work, but I'm not demanding. At his leisure of course. I love owls, fairies, moons, I would love him to draw something he thinks of when he thinks of our friendship. Now THAT would be interesting. Draw how he sees me. Oh that could be good or bad! Lmao. I wish I could draw. I can doodle but not the way he does and his daughter is just like him. She did a drawing of Ariel, and in her headband, she drew something. To me that was outstanding. It gave you another point of concentration. It drew your eye in. It's the details others years her senior forget to do. Brilliant!! Well peeps, this overbearing, and sometimes annoying but always good hearted Baggins is headed to bed. Gym in the AM. So as always I say Ciao For Now
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