For over a year, the better part of two really, I have been trying to lose weight. That was my reason for this blog, I wanted to keep a daily log of my ups and downs, the emotional roller coaster that I was the correct height to ride. It went well for so long. I have readers who subscribe to my blog, I have people from countries that a year ago, I would have sworn were made up, reading my blog! Strangers and friends, all reading my words, for what reason, I really don't know. Who in Russia, what person in Latvia, no really Latvia? Well I finally can say after all this time I actually see a change in my form. A waist has appeared, and I can walk more than a block without feeling like I'm going to pass out. I actually have even pseudo ran across a street and "hopped" onto a curb. Look I have friends of all shapes and sizes and I care for them all. I am changing for me, I am no one to pontificate to anyone. I would never do that. I like people who look different, height, weight, different. We are all beautiful architecture created by whomever you believe, and we make up this neighborhood of ours. It's beautiful to see the differences, like lovely streets lined with interesting houses. Each with its own bits of special add ons, that add to the beauty and make each one unique. Look I'm not knocking cookie cutter houses, but when it's all the same, it can be boring. I refuse to believe we are created to be boring. We are created to live to the fullest of our abilities. I lived the first half of my life on the outer rim of my abilities. Some have said I wasted my youth, part of me agrees but what is done is done. I can only go from here. I'm no great scholar, I'm not a charismatic leader with a following of thousands. I'm just me, silly, short, animal loving, emotional dreamer me. I don't know peoples private thoughts on me, that's their secrets to keep. But I will tell you, I give thanks every day for the friends who stay by me, those that see past my outer shell, or as I like to call it my hard candy coating. The ones who see beauty where others see comical. Those who appreciate what lies inside and underneath. Just very recently, I was reminded that actions speak louder than words. So very true, I hope my actions show the love I have for you dear friends and if I am lacking in this let me know. I always think it, but I can be a scatterbrained Baggins, and sometimes forget to say it , or I say it too much. Ah well, such is me. I have a waist, go figure!!!
That's it, nothing great, just my thoughts, brought to mind by the cold medicine I've ingested. If it's all daft, blame Vicks NyQuill not me . LMAO. Ciao For Now.
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