Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's just another Saturday Night, Okay Then!

     Well today has been a decent day. My thoughts of course flutter back and forth, much like a pendulum, even once stilled, just takes the smallest stir to set them off again. This is who I am. My mind traveled to my younger years today for some reason. I was a pretty cool kid I think.
I have always been called, " A Jack Of All Trades, A Madter Of None" this moniker was put on me at a fairly young age. Not to be mean, but actually a pretty good explanation, considering I loved so many different things. Funny thing is, I was pretty good at them, things used to come easy to me, when I was young. Now the longing is still the same, yet I have to try harder to achieve my goals. I used to paint when I was young. I remember making a painting for my Mom in school, it was of our grandfather clock, that stood in the corner of our dining room. It won a prize. Granted I was no artist, but it was a good rendition for a 5 year old. Funny, I can still remember it as if it just happened. I also remember in school, our teacher gave us paper that had a squiggle line of some shape on the paper. We were to draw something from that, something that would use the line that was on our page. Imagine my teacher's surprise when I handed her my drawing of a woman in a long gown, with long dark hair and big eyes. Yep the line on my page reminded me of a large nose, I handed the teacher my drawing of Cher! Lmao  I wrote poetry and even wrote a song for my guitar teacher. I always loved the arts, I loved to sing, I woke my parents one Sunday morning by playing the song Caberet on my clarinet at 6 am. Haha. Then all of a sudden it stopped. I don't know what happened but it was like a big eraser came and wiped my abilities. I was never great but I was good and more importantly I had fun! Singing was the only one I brought with me into my teens, as I was in our school glee club. I didn't write but always used more words than needed to make sure I painted a good picture for the person I was telling my stories to. I loved making up small stories and often did when babysitting, as it helped to get the kids asleep. Who knows maybe I was just that boring that they fell asleep. Lmao
Like I said, I was having strong flash backs this morning for some  reason.   This blog is more or less me writing again. See what I mean, using way to many words. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
      I got my new scale today. I love it and the display is digital, so I know exactly what weight I am. Tomorrow is weigh in day. We had Chinese food knight and I am so full. Eating about half of wht I used to, and nothing fried or sweet. Farewell my sesame chicken, I shall miss you may of all. (Shoulder shrug ) we do what we must. This I must, it's been far to many years that I did nothing.
       Oh man my credit card number was swiped. Yep but all is oh, number has a block, they know where it wa done. New card issued. I was shocked and it made me feel a little violated. Never tought that would occur today. I found out right father I had spoken to my friend, who had the coolest adventure! Zombie hunting! I was filled in a bit but the photos look so great, I want to hear more about it. Now that is a fun way to spend the day. Love hearing stuff like ths.
      Had some wine so I will blame my choppiness in tonight's blog to that. Not really the reason but sounds good, right? I'm not even really buzzed. Just nice and mellow.  Just wanted to come here and say hi. Hope you all are enjoying yourselves. Enjoying the weekend. ๐Ÿ˜„
      I really have nothing pertinent tonight so instead of rambling on, I will say Ciao For Now peace out Peeps lol ๐Ÿ˜˜

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