Today was picture perfect. High of about 25 C or 75 F degrees, with low humidity, lent itself to being out doors this morning. I came in at 2pm so I could watch a special BBC1 program that announced the next actor to play Doctor Who. I am getting ready to go back out and grab as much of this day I can. Easy dinner tonight so no rushing.
Weigh in day showed almost 3 lbs gone. I am quite pleased as my goal is to lose another 15 pounds at least by mid September. It can be done, just means no alcohol and none to very few carbs. Plus of course my gym time. That above all is helping me. I was told that it would be key to my weight and he was right. Sometimes peeps, I get angry, and frustrated with myself. I really let myself go. It's been an uphill battle getting rid of this extra weight and I am doing it. I do though look at pics of me in high school, as a curvy size 16, and I want to click my heels and get that size back right away. It's not happening of course, but I keep that pic out so I can see my goal.
I guess my best news, and please forgive me if I'm repeating myself, is the fact that I got a job. It's going to help with my weight loss as well. I will have a more regimented schedule during the week. I will drink my teas and eat breakfast and lunch at the office. No boring voids that I used to fill so easily with nibbles. I will go to the gym early in the morning, as they open at half 5. That gives me time for a workout and then I can either go home to shower or shower there and to right to work. Work will be either 9-5 or 10-6 so I can easily go home if I want, have breakfast and get there in plenty of time. I'll see what happens. I'm sure you will be all on the edges of your seats waiting to here my choice. BWAHAHA
I must address my last blog. I know it was quite naughty. Naughty can be good. Still not saying how much was factual as opposed to fiction. I will leave that up to you, but those who know me can just say, either way it was pure Mary. I like writing erotica, I like sex, it's nothing to be embarrassed by. I did make note it was an over 18 blog. Lol 😉😜
I'm trying to improve on myself. I have begun keeping true to my path to the Goddess. I have been cleaning house, so to speak. Mentally and physically. I have fears and jealousies and always will. I do now meet them head on. I found that I can handle them and its been making my resolve so much stronger. I will get to my goals. One being the tea shop I would love to own one day. I got a return letter from the place I mailed and they told me they could not help but did give me a list of places that they believe can. I will check them all out and work on a kick ass proposal to send out. I will take this time to earn money and save it away. I see this coming year to be very exciting, I wil be on my work assignment until at least Feb. so I am going to keep working on myself. Build my strength to keep starring down my fears.
Well I am out peeps to enjoy the rest of this lovely afternoon. Until next time, I say, Ciao For No
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