Spring is Sprung
For us here in North America the time of the Vernal Equinox with be 7:02AM on the 20th of March (tomorrow morning) Light & dark are the same, they partner in the sky with the sun taking the lead now. Days will get longer as the sun races across the sky. So many things that you will find on a Wiccan (or Pagan) alter will seem right at home for Easter time, which coincides with this holiday. As a matter of fact the way to tell when when Easter is, is by the spring equinox. Yep, (history lesson time) the Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) set the date of Easter as the Sunday following the paschal full moon, which is the full moon that falls on or after the vernal (spring) equinox.I actually had to answer that question in high school and I never forgot it. Interesting that I got that one :-) Getting back to the alter. You may very well see eggs, and yes chocolate bunnies, both which pertain to fertility, along with wildflowers and lots of green. Green candles are usually lit, you may also see yellow or orange to represent the sun. Jasmine scent is lovely but as usual I enjoy Lilac as well. The season is for new beginnings, trees are budding, animals are going to birth to their offspring soon. The world comes alive and warm again. (although with the cold weather lingering it doesn't feel like lol) Try to have ham & eggs for breakfast and some hot cross buns as well. If possible get outside to enjoy the weather. This is also a good time for obtaining new job possibilities, so I will do a working for that believe you me. I have an incense I use from Japan for these holidays, by a company named Shoyeido. The website is - http://www.shoyeido.com/ if you want to check them out. If you use incense, I highly recommend them. They have the coolest owl incense burner and I must get once I start work again. Unlike many incenses it is NOT overpowering. I swear some could choke a horse. This one is light and blends with the air. The entire stick burns too, so there is no waste. It's for balance, light/dark, day/night, we all need this in our lives. Springtime or Ostara is a special time, love the earth, plant a flower, or a tree, give back. Okay Ostara 101 is over LOL Pics are the incense burner I want (so cute) and a lovely Ostara pic )O(

With all this newness and joy I have heard of such sadness as well. It does not effect me personally, but it does people I know, so I feel very bad for them. Not one but two people have died and both in their early 20's. So sad, I wish them rest in peace, and peace to their friends and family. Hold those you care about a little tighter people, and never let a moment to say I love you go by, you never know when or if you will be able to say it again. I added this to my blog tonight because the news just added to my own thoughts of myself. I am leaving it at that, as to make mention of any more just seems selfish, like I'm making it about me. It is not about me. I will remember them in my prayers tomorrow when I do my Ostara workings. I also will pray for my friends and their friends. I love my friends and want them to know I am there for them always.
I am going to give in and head out to Target tomorrow to get candy for my niece & nephew's Easter baskets. I have decided to not do my usual and buy way too much. I mean these are the second baskets they will get. I also bought them each a survival bracelet, pink and for my nephew had it made in the Washington Redskins colors. Cool other little things will find their way in as well. Of course a nice springtime flower arrangement for the home. We are eating there that day so it will be a nice day out. While at Target I really need to look at sheets. I need some for NY. Nothing grand, but a 300 count sheet would be nice. I already mentioned to my Dad that I am going to get a bookcase for my room there. There is a really cool thrift store called St. Vincent DePaul in Floral Park, and they have really amazing things if you time it right. I mean furniture bought by ultra rich housewives then used for a few months before they got bored and ordered new things. High end re-sale. LOL hey I'm only looking for a bookcase but who knows what I'll find.
Well peeps as 11 o'clock draws near I am calling it a night. So until next time I say ciao for now :-D
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