I am sitting in front of Chrome Gardens Body Art. I will be getting my tattoo shortly but not at the moment. In my excitement of getting new ink, I may have mentioned it once or twice, I got here almost an hour early!! So I figured I'd stay warm in my car and write this blog. Lol
Well our deck is done except that the step is too small. The man is going to come on Tuesday or Wednesday to put in a step that runs the length of the deck. It's very nice and very sturdy! I will have to get used to seeing it instead of the dumb slab of a stoop that was there before! It needs to be stained and sealed so guess what hubs and I are doing next Saturday. I wanted to stain it white to match the house trim but hubby told me that was nuts, so we will go find a color stain we BOTH like. The home owners association should be happy now. I will say now I want to go buy a bunch of planters and paint them pretty colors and line them up on the bottom step and get a big one for the corner of the deck. It's kind of cool walking right out of the door onto it. Big grins and forward steps!!
Again I must giggle at myself. I am so excited about today I can't stop smiling. Driving here, which takes about 1&1/2 hours flew by. Saw a car that had stickers on it all saying be prepared for you don't know about tomorrow. Made me think it did. No, we have no idea about tomorrow. We can plan and dream as we must do, as that's what carries us forward BUT we also need to enjoy each day to the max. Some days you really need to look hard to find anything good, but it can be as simple as coming home and your pet being happy to see you. I think sometimes we forget little things matter as much if sometimes more than big things. I was so worried about our cash flow but it's working out. I am getting things done and maybe will have to hold off on a new Coach purse but I have 4 of them and really don't need another! Want yes, need no. Haha I swear I can spend but I don't do silly stuff I buy things that will last and I like finding things for others. Since I did not win that huge lottery I suppose I should start looking at the value side of the menu again. ;-)
I'm doing good eating wise although I only went to the gym 2x this week. Plus side my knee is getting better. I still have to be careful about putting pressure on it but I am walking better. Scale only moved by a pound this week but that's okay it's still a pound LOST!
Well it's almost time to go back in and finally do this thing. I may actually have her place it on my leg so I can see it instead of my back where I originally was thinking. I will talk to her about it. You see if I can do this in one session then the session I booked in April I can have her ink the cherry blossoms along the outside of my leg. Oh so many pretty things and I asked my friend to think of another piece for me. I hope I'm not taking advantage of him but he is dry talented and he knows me well and knows what I like. So it makes sense to me but again he's busy and I don't want to impose. Wish I could draw but ask anyone who is playing Draw Something with me....even my stick figures suck! LOL
So until next time as always, ciao for now
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