Wednesday, March 14, 2012


     I want to be there now!! No secret that I am in love with the country. I have been told I should feel that way about Ireland not England but oddly I don't. I of course want to go there as well but it does not have the pull that England has for me. I have had 2 seperate fortune tellers, mediums, whatever you want to call them tell me I was from there in former lives. I can believe that because I feel it deep in my gut. My love affair started early and continued until now. It seems that my dreams will be coming true next year and I can't wait. One friend of mine told me he was worried that I won't come back. LOL I had an English nanny of sorts, my Mom's friend on my street used to watch me after school and used to tell me stories of England and London, and her Mom would show me beautiful pictures of countrysides and towns that were fabulous!
     I don't know, sometimes I feel a bit like a traitor to my own country. I love America and I would never stop being a citizen of her but she can be embarrasing at times. We tend to forget we are new in comparrison to othwer places and somehow we have risen to this ungodly power source that helps everyone but her own people.  I am a simple gal and I read things that just don't make sense to me. I mean we give all this aid to other countries for their children and the ecomomy and yet our own children and economy have the same issues.  Don't believe it? Look along th Appalachian mountains ranges and you will find families who can't read, and who still use an outside toilet because they have no modern convieniances like electricity!!! I say that tongue in cheeck because it's hard to think in this "land of plenty" that this is possible. We have economic debt, school troubles, the list goes one and on. I am all for helping others I really am but take care of us too.  Maybe I do not know enough about politics, let me rephrase that..I know nothing of politics really but basic knowledge and it seems that we are falling behind other countries. I sometimes equate us to a braniac teenager or young adult.  We are brilliant but cocky and that casues issues. Now granted the beautiful thing about America is that I can say all this and not worry about being put in prison for doing so.
     Getting back to my original thoughts here......ENGLAND!!!! I want to experience you. I am lucky to know folks from there who I think will show me the parts that I want to see, I mean I want to see everything (LOL) but I want to go where tourists don't go! To the heart of the place , the everyday places. I'm sure this will happen. I mean aside from having their steering wheels on the wrong side of the car it's going to be a gas!!!! I plan on having one empty suitcase so I can buy some clothes.
     Okay let's call this blog the over excited, day dreaming about your trip, want to imerse yourself in culture blog.  I feel like a little kid when I think of this, you know the eyes wide mouth open starring at everything kind of feeling. I also know that by the end of my stay i will be speaking with a slight accent!! Did that in Massachusetts too it was funny. My friend and I started to sound like one of the Kennedys. hahaha
     Well I really have nothing else on my mind and I will not bore you with day to day details more than many of my blogs do so until next one..Ciao For Now

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