The older I get, the less "stuff" I want. I don't know if that's normal, but it's normal for me as its how I feel. Less clutter. Nice things but I am good with the purses I have, make up, jewels. Not right now. I want to downsize. Curious but maybe Spring Fever. You know Spring cleaning. Hmmm
I've been listening to old music tonight, by that I mean things that enjoyed when I was 11 or 13. Crosby Still & Nash, Jimmy Buffet, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd along with the Moody Blues round out an eclectic start to my love of music. My parents both loved music, being Itakian, of course my Mom loved Perry Como, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Connie Francis. Dad liked Jimmy Roselli. Lol. They liked to go dancing. They also had Broadway albums, King & I, Sound of Music, My Faur Lady. I used to listen to them and I could sing every song by the time I was 6. The musicals I'm talking about. My personal taste changed and went all over the charts, classic rock, early techno, 80s, some rap even. Plus 50s. But it wasn't just the singers it was the music and how t made me feel. I get teased at work because during lunch I'll put in my ear buds and listen to my iPod and close my eyes. I want to really hear this music. I want it to do its job and take me away. I want it to be part of me.
Was a time everything I did was felt that deeply. Nowadays much of it seems wrote. Just things I have to do and I'm not experiencing it like I used to. Every now and then I get a rekindled feeling when a particular call is just the right mix and I have helped someone and I felt that I really did help them. Me!! It wasn't just vomiting information at them. But sadly most days are. I'm just feeling in a bit of a rut and this weekend will be just the ticket to help me. Aside from my drive up, supposed to be a clear night tomorrow. I will see my dad. Then enjoy a nice large kitchen. Going to make some lotions and scrubs whilst sipping tea and listening to music. Popping over to the Italian bakery to get some goodies for the neighbors and stopping g to hopefully purchase a new blouse or two for myself.
Evening will bring Sis, my friend and more music I'm getting a common thread lmao. Then Saturday it's hang with dad and I get to go see another band. Whoot Whoot.
I wish more people were closer. I wish people I cared about weren't so damn far away, I wish the people I cared about knew how much I want to call but I also don't want to bother them. I wish the people I cared about knew how much I miss them. I wish the people I cared about could feel a hug & kiss from me. I wish they could see the smile that the thought of them brings to my face. I wish for a lot I know.
Someone I know lost her mom today to pancreatic cancer and another friend told me today that a mutual friend has stage 4 breast cancer. It's so sad, it was a bit of a surprise hearing these things back to back. A beautiful part of this though is my friend who's mother died today, well she and her fiancé are getting married in August but when they realised it wasn't going to be much longer for her mom, they got her moms priest and got married in the hospital room so her mother could be there. How beautiful is that. I wept when I read it. This happened two days ago and she passed today. My friend is doing okay she said. She felt good for what they did. The other lady had a go find me page to help with medical expenses as she can't work. It pusses me off that I can't give much of anything. I'm donating 25.00 but I wish It could be more. No one should have to suffer AND worry about the expenses also. Ugh. Things suck in this respect don't they?
Switching tracks -again- ive been reading a lot. To Kill A Mockingbird is just about done. I'm about 90% finished. Such a great book. Love to read. Takes my mind off the political race right now. What a clusterfuck that is. We will be hated and in my mind rightfully so if Trump gets elected. That's all I'm sayin bout that. Don't really want to talk politics but arrrggghhh it's madness.
Well on that note. Lol. I'm out. Ciao For Now
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