To lie back on an amazingly comfy bed with lots of puffy pillows, listening to music, sipping a great bourbon, feeling it warm your body as you float to a wonderful place in your mind. Been there, done that, but how great are indulgences. We need them don't we. And the great thing is they can be as small as taking a few moments to savor a rich dark chocolate or a full week on a trip you've planned, and all things in between. For me it's spending times with friends.
I am seeing Sis soon and hopefully comes the summer or fall to FINALLY ( yes that in caps) hang out with my friend from overseas. I am trying to get to see my cousin this trip up too. Great person and I haven't seen her since she was a kid. Indulgences are also watching someone enjoy a new experience. Someone laughed at me once because I was dining in a restaurant not my norm. It had new silverware for each course. Hell the fact it didn't have plastic knives and forks were a step up. Lmao
Sis and I indulge, we try new restaurants and new drinks, let me tell you Yelp has gotten us to some good places. Sadly two of the places have since closed down. We wrote good reviews too.
Another indulgence of mine is scent. I adore it. I just splurged after putting a month and a half worth of savings to get myself a bottle of Chanel Coco Madamoislle. I would have loved another bottle of Balanciaga but watching the pocketbook. I went with the parfum as the scent is longer lasting. A nice spritz in the proper areas and it lasts all day. I've already gotten several compliments. It's a lovely spicy scent.
So indulgences, you don't need a huge pocketbook to have them. Right now I'm propped up in bed against 3 pillows on freshly washed sheets. I've taken a nice warm shower and the sheets feel so soft. I have my cute little Jammie's on, I bought them for England. Purple top with pants that are Capri length with cartoon foxes on them. I also have my Pirates Of The Carribean throw blankie over me. It's so warm and comfy. I have a stick of incense burning and tea. Oh yeah - indulgence. I'll be lucky if I stay awake until the show I want to watch comes on. Property Brothers on HGTV ooh look, another indulgence. Haha.
I'm still not feeling 100%. All the sickness I've been feeling has settled in my intestines. NOT FUN. That's as far as I'll say, use your imagination;-)
So go indulge peeps, enjoy life! Ciao For Now
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