Powerball closer now to almost 1.6 billion dollars. That's obscene!! Yes of course I bought some tickets. I won $4 last time. Lol what would I do with all that money? Shake the economy that's for sure. The usual, pay bills, pay off house for my family and us. Buy a few houses for people. Sis for one, would have a house near the water, south shore of Long Island. I'd have my Long Island home also. Put money in a tax free something or other. Then build a new place for the no kill animal shelter I love so much so they could keep a thousand or so animals, with top rate vet care. Homeless shelters and children's hospitals, veterans hospitals too. Where to start? I'd give to my friend to help him start his dream, I'd set my niece & nephew up with college money. I'd drive cross country with the hubs just enjoying all the different places. I'd travel too.
But in reality I will wake up tomorrow, no better or worse than I am right now. Things are tight, hubs job is helping but tonight even that bright spot got a bit of a tarnish. Just think positive for us - okay? I'm still so grateful for what I do have. My job, a roof over our heads, clothes, cars that get us where we need to go. Yes we are already richer than many. I try to keep it in perspective. So good night all, sweet dreams, and ciao for now.
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